Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Now that our once great nation has decided, democratically of course to head down the road to a third world nation, as Obama has envisioned us, by the dreams of his father, the drunk Kenyan, we should throw the towel in and go all the way. Really, who are we to think we are the savior of the world, we can’t even run our own cities anymore. We borrow from other nations to so we can station aircraft carriers off their coast to either intimidate them or look like we are protecting them. Come on does anyone really believe we would go to war with someone like Iran, much less China? Lets draw back, stop borrowing money and become a real third world nation. Let the cities go to hell. Give everyone free healthcare and cradle to grave social programs, oh wait we already have those two. Never mind just cut back the military enough so we are a weak enough to match Obamas resolve, tax the hell outta dem damn rich people. Give affirmative action a kick in the ass and get some more incompetents in jobs that are 2 levels above their intelligence level, and what the hell, lets make sure everyone graduates from high school, wait why stop there, graduate from college, just lower the requirements down so it meets the students liking. Come on lets move forward!!

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