Monday, November 26, 2012

Your friendly "neighbors"

I ask that the insane liberal freaks that cried when thier “Lord and Savior” BroncoBama was reelected to pay special attention to this piece because one of the side effects of your disease, liberalism, is that you have lost your sense of self survival. So please, pay attention, it just might save your life. Here is a little test for you morons, Do you think it would have been a good idea to import millions of swastika wearing Nazis before WW2? Now remember your hate of organized religion, and I’m not talking about the long haired freak in Sedona that you had sex with because he told you some mumbo jumbo about the ‘sacred rocks”, I mean Christianity and Judaism,? No? Bad idea? Then why in Gods name do you allow your government to import berka clad, and bearded men in dirty night shirts with tire sandals? And to provide a free existence to them in your town? Did you know these same followers of the religion of peace have enclaves throughout rural American where they spend half the day target shooting and the other reading the book that tells them to kill or convert you and your family (if you have one)? No, didn’t know that, do you think it’s a good idea? THEN WAKE UP, STOP SMOKING POT, ITS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!!!! America and indeed all western nations have opened thier doors to the Nazis of the 21st century, although strangely these Nazis are stuck in the 10th century. We bring them in, whole families, multiple wives, 10 children, parents, grand/great parents, the beared E-Moms who spews hate filled messages in the converted warehouses, packed rug to rug, and isn’t it lovely that they can do this at any time because NONE OF THEM WORK!!. The time is past when we should have all petitioned our government to stop this liberal insanity, but as I said that time is long gone. There are now millions of them in large and small enclaves throughout this once great nation. They treat their woman worse than most of us treat our dogs, but for some strange reason the hags at NAG are silent. They walk around town shopping with carefree abandon WITH YOUR MONEY!!!. Its too late, but I suggest you never leave your home unless you are armed in some form. Call me paranoid if you want, but I think it is just a matter of time before one of these brainwashed bearded psychos dresses up in one of his wives berkas and shoots up a mall. I wish I was wrong, but just visit your local “Mosque” and listen in, read thier so called “good book”, you, yes you, you brainwashed “multiculturalism" believing freak are square in the sights of thier AKs (thats one of those evil guns you hate so much, but they love em). Oh and one more thing, while you are working hard at the software company for 12 hours a day and forgoing children for a variety of reasons such as you can’t afford them, your berka clad “neighbors” are rapidly breeding you out of existence and YOUR PAYING FOR IT, I just thought you may want to know.

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