Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Barbarians are at our gates

Yes, the barbarians are at the gate and we are led by a weak, socialist gelding, who has never worn any kind of uniform, much less seen combat, the hardest battle he ever saw was trying to score weed at 10pm in Honolulu back in the 80s. He has chosen to weaken our military, court marshall those that may have done their jobs too well, install top military leaders that would be better diversity trainers at Burger King then lead men into battle. In kinder and gentler times, this may pass for “the peace dividend,” take a break, relax a bit, these are not those times. Islam is once again on the march as they have done many times since its founding in the 600's. This insane, barbaric ideology is hell bent on world domination, if you think I am making this up, ask any muslim or better yet, read their “good book”, the Koran, its all in there for your reading displeasure. Now is a time for strength and being on offence, build strong defenses, its all the barbarians understand, this weak, nice talk Obama continues to use in every corner of the world has these subhumans, rubbing their hairy, dirty little hands, they know they have their man in the white house. Adding to this gloomy picture is the weakened fiancees of most western nations and the lowest birth rates in history. If that was not bad enough, our weakened nation has INVITED these same barbarians into our country to be fed, housed and given free medical care so they can be free to breed in large numbers and spend their days idling away, reading the Koran at the local mosque. I wish I was wrong, but I am afraid I am right. Unless a miracle happens on Tuesday and American wakes up. For if we do not, we could wake up in the very near future to massive riots in Europe, bearded mullahs striding in to the great halls of European government, shouting “death to the great satan, America your next” and that’s just the start. I pray I'm wrong Paul Kersey

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