Thursday, November 8, 2012

Racism-Its alive an well, Thanks Barrak and Eric Holder

Racism is alive and well in the US, this election, and just a peek at any news outlet will show you just how prevalent it is in our society, no whites have been beaten down by years of brainwashing disguised as “diversity training” Sexual harassment training” and the worst of all, Hate Crime laws that only apply to whites. How can that be? Well how about 97% of blacks supported Obama, despite the damage he has inflicted on all of us but blacks have taken the brunt of his Trotsky economic polices, that for some reason is not noteworthy to any of the major news outlets. Every single day, every single day, I read another article that tells of somewhere in this country a pack of wild, food stamp and Colt 45 fueled blacks are beating a white man almost to death, in many, cameras show them after the beat down, stamping their feet and rubbing the victims head into the sidewalk, thats not robbery that’s hate, no matter how you look at it. Then there is the constant reminders of how whites or European are declining in numbers and with great joy how the news readers read their lines about how this is so wonderful First, what’s so wonderful about it? Would they jump for joy if whites started moving to Africa to make it livable for humans again? How about the Hispanics, god bless them all but a lot of them came here illegally, and drain the social safety net. You cannot go to any corner of this country and not find a “community” of Mexicans. This was not the case 20 years ago. Add to that Mexico is among the most corrupt countries in the world. So it shard to blame them I understand we made it necessary for them to come here because women in the US think its more important to have a BMW than children, that’s for another day. But, the worst thing is how the mostly white news readers gloat that the new arrivals are all DEMOCRATS and liberals and on welfare!, Isn’t that wonderful? First I don’t know if that’s true, it seems to be, would they say that about whites? 37% of the insane whites voted for the fraud Obama, and lets not forget what I call the forgotten “minority” the ones that never get mentioned by any side because they don’t fit the racist narrative of the left, Asians, most of whom work hard, ensure their kids get a first rate education and DON”T NEED AFFIRMATIVE ACTION TO GET INTO OUR FINEST UNIVERSITIES!!! Jesse Jackass and AL Sharpton, check it out, hard to explain huh Paul Kersey

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