Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Grand Experiment

We are all waiting, hoping that change is coming. Obamas dream of turning the once great United States into a 3rd world welfare state must be stopped. I have read as many of you have the stories of voter intimidation by Obamas army of “supporters”, the murals on the wall in voting places of Obama. The list goes on. It is up to us, everyone to stop this maniacal “community organizer” and set this country at least on the path to recovery. I wish the state of California could be split into north and south. Let Brown and his insane dreamers have the north from Monterey to Oregon. Then set in motion the grand experiment. In the south, lower taxes, including property, sales and income. Cut drastically all social program, make everyone reapply. Give tax incentives to businesses. Make disability as hard to get a s building permit. Institute law reform making it harder to sue maliciously. Make the state government part time and only 2 terms for elected officials. I suspect the new 51st state called Southern California would become the most prosperous state in the union, a grand experiment indeed.

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