Monday, November 5, 2012

Vote Obama out, it may be our last chance

Don’t think for a minute that the barbarians are not watching us and looking for weakness. They know we have a weak leader that is doing his best to weaken every branch of the military and degrade our culture as we speak, another 4 years of this fraud and there is no telling where we will be. I know our special forces and intelligence agencies have been doing a good job taking down some of the worst of them, but think about it for a minute, the way the US took down the ex Soviet Union was actually brilliant, we simply out spent them, we used our strong economic system and Reagan authorized in some cases unneeded weapons systems (in the case of the so called “Star Wars” system, unreal systems) to make the soviets believe we meant business and could out maneuver them at every turn. The only problem is the Islamic turds learned the same lesson. How can we keep spending millions per drone strike to take out sometimes as few as 1 or 2 of these bearded perverts? Not long, we are going broke trying, just as the Soviets did in the 80s. It should not be lost on any of us that Afghanistan not only wore them out, it broke their bank, sound familiar? The subhumans in Afghanistan have been getting along just fine reading one book their whole lives defecating in a ditch and cornholing the young boys in the next hut next. Leave them alone, let them do what they do best, nothing We must rebuild our economy for many reason, the least of which is to keep up the fight against those hell bent on destroying us or converting the world to their brand on lunacy. If we don’t it almost certain the world will be plunged into a dark age like no other. These are the same barbarians that burned the library in Alexandria and lost almost forever all the Greeks and romans had taught us about advancing life and society in so many ways. Revisionist like Obama and the frauds that teach in our schools like to tell a different story, one that shows Islam as a great “teachers” and “thinkers”, yes they did contribute a few astronomical names, and the some basic mathematics they stole from India and Persia as they plundered them. The have destroyed far, far more than they ever gave. They must be stopped. Its up to us. Paul Kersey-the day before tomorrow

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