Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Wake up!

First let me start by dismissing any notion that you insane liberals and your “moral relevance” arguments that Christianity is “just as bad” as Islam, thank goddess you libs rarely reproduce and all those freedoms, like women rights, religious “tolerance” just to name a few are alive and well in most if not all “Christian” based countries, and are barley tolerated in even the most liberal Islamic states, i.e Turkey. 2 stories today really set me off and should be enough to stop the insanity of importing people who walk around with dirty beards filthy sandals, dirty nightshirt with yellow stains in the front and brown in the back, make thier women walk 10 ft behind them in black head to toe rags. They shout obscenities about the host country, who has provided housing, food and given free healthcare, educated thier children, and then as in Toronto Canada, deface a WWII war memorial with “Canada will burn..praise Allah”, and in England, and France deface war memorials and graves, and either country will deport one so bad, he was wounded during a terrorist attack and was one of Obama, I mean Osama Bin Ladens right hand men? What kind of sane people put up with this? Just because liberals are insane, should we put up with and listen to thier insanity when it threatens our very survival? We must all write to our representatives today and get them to stop this insane policy. The notion that liberals and academics tout that Islam is a great religion and has brought so many things to western civilization is pure bullshit, yeah you heard me bullshit, they have killed or converted anyone who has gotten in thier way, Europe, Africa, Persia all have suffered greatly at the hands of the barbarians. The only thing they understand is unmitigated strength, you cannot appease these cornholed pinheads who sit around all day reading one book, eating free food in a provided chair in a warm house thanks to western taxpayers so they run around chasing young men. It makes me sick to think that my tax money is possibly feeding the very same person who may be planning on defacing a war memorial. DO something about it, today, tomorrow maybe to late. Paul Kersey

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