Thursday, November 29, 2012

I saw a graph not long ago that was trying to show how workplace accidents were falling due the creation of the federal agency known as OSHA (the occupational health and safety know nothings) in 1971. But, if you look at the graph of workplace accidents since from the 1940s, to 2007 you see, 1971 is just a point in a 45 deg down slope. In other words, the creation of OSHA most likely has had NOTHING to do with workplace safety. This is interesting on a number of levels because I contend as I wrote in my previous post that even the so called “war on poverty” has had no positive impact on the poor, and worse, it has picked the pockets of working people to the tune of hundreds of billions over the years. The so called poor, are now stuck in a whirlpool of borrowed government money that has ruined thier lives. In almost all cases when the morons of the government get involved in any part of your life, the results are not good for you or the cause of liberty. Beware the do-gooders, for they do no good! Paul Kersey

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