Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Time for Change is Now

Now is the time for all true Americans to look to another political party to stop this tyrant BroncoBama. The republicans have NEVER taken this fraud to task. He continues to smile, dance, sing and make jokes about the state of the country and economy and has not come up with one plan to fix anything other than the ole commine standby “Tax the rich”. You see if any other republican had taken him to task on the 20 or so years he was indoctrinated by the racist, Anti-AMerican “preacher” Rev Wrong, it would be clear to ALL Americans just how much of an anti American radical BroncoBama is. Make no mistake, his Grandfather, Mother, his Kenyan Daddy all hated what this country and what it stood for, but we only heard little pieces of the pig picture. This fraud of a man is using his Presidency to run this country into 3rd world status. He must be stopped. I believe he was put in power by a consortium of socialist and academics who have been working diligently brainwashing our children in the schools for decades. Just listen to them talk about anything, all you get is dumb smiles and giggles. We must get this country back on track, it will take lost of work but first we must replace the current system with at least one party that speaks to true conservative and many libertarian values, We cannot trust the check pants republicans to speak for us any longer. Take one look at the democratic party, Obama, Boxer, Reed, Pelosie, damaged freaks all. These people combined could not run a McDonalds without going out of business in weeks. Why do we let them ruin our country. We are being cheated by a bunch of psychopathic morons Lets start today to get our country back,

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