Thursday, December 13, 2012

Wouldn't it be nice, just once?

I want to go back a couple of posts ago and expand on why our golfers can’t beat the liberal establishment. Here it is, conservatives are just to damn nice. The liberal media asks conservatives like Marco Rubio how old the earth is, trying to trap him in a “evolution v biblical” argument, he should have told the reporter to “go look it up you moron”. That’s what I want to hear from our conservative representatives, not crying, not pleading, not asking permission. Can you imagine for a minute if the truly insane Harry Reid was a republican? Hemorrhoids like F. Chuck Todd of MSNBC would have a field day with him, jokes would fly nightly. What about, Nancy Pelosi? Why is she not ridiculed, by Fox news? No shortage of material there. Dr Michael Savage is the only media person to actually call this nut job out. Now we get to the real morons of the liberal cause, the irrational black caucus, have you seen this bunch? There is not a 250ml beaker of brain matter among them. Sheila Jackass Lee would be driven out of congress if she was conservative, and the moron with the cowboy hat, come on, if a conservative, worse, white man showed with that hat on he would be tarred and feathered by F. Chuck and Rachael Madcow. Conservatives need to fight back, if only by asking the liberal media soda jerks , “what exactly do you mean by........” or “why do you ask that question”. Then once they get that down then they go onto “GO FUCK YOURSELF”. Even the perverts who elect the liberal morons would love it, These are the old grey haired hags who sit at home with a spiked cup of hot coco, watching MSNBC prison shows and thinking how these psychos would make wonderful husbands and fathers to the children they never had. Who do you think watches these shows? MORONS! I would love to see a little more fight in our golfers, take off thier golf cleats and fire them across the room at Maxine Waters, ask her where the bribe money she took went and why her daughter that doesn’t work drives a high end Mercedes. But, at least for now, we just have to sit back and watch Obama and his wrecking crew run rough shod over our passive golfers. But wouldn’t it be nice just once!! Paul Kersey

1 comment:

  1. Mr Kersey, please, I do not think we need our politicans to be so foul mouthed as you state.
    We need more civility.
