Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The "green" weenies

Have you ever gotten to know one of the insane liberals who has taken up the “green” revolution? These people have been completely brainwashed and have had thier brains replaced with a small memory device, not unlike Al Gores. Here’s an example, There was a story recently that highlighted the video taken by International Space Station astronauts of the earth at night. Perhaps you’ve seen it, of course western cities are brightly lite, while the under or undeveloped parts are black (no pun). This nit wit in the article was actually saying how good it was to see so much blackened areas, it showed how small the “carbon footprint” and how “natural” these areas are. Well first let me say, I’m all for keeping some areas in a “natural state” however most of these areas shown in the video have humans living there, IN ABJECT POVERTY, is that what these “green” morons want? The answer is YES, they really, really want your lights turned off, your AC shut down, your car confiscated and forget about a boat or RV. These brainless fools, who use more energy looking at porn and writing emails than most normal people do. The only way they save any energy is they don’t bath enough or wash thier hemp flavored cloths. Who do they think they are? I’ll tell you, they think they have the RIGHT to tell you how to live, thier girly and manly (sexes reversed) teachers and professors tell them to go out in the world and shut down the power plants, stop the factories, get rid of all cars that can carry more than 1 grocery bag in the back. They are the truly insane, don’t listen to them, ignore them and when driving your truck, beep at them and wave, they hate it!! Paul Kersey

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