Thursday, December 20, 2012

What they really want!

When you take this current anti gun climate and mix it with the OWS/ anarcharist movement of last year, and add a pinch of mooslum anti American, anti Christianity, black criminal gangs, you have something like what has happened in may societies in the past and what is happening in the middle east today. Its like a forest fire that feeds on the strong trees and ends with total destruction and no wins, everyone is a loser. The US was faced with a similar situation in the 60s, and mis mash of “radials” calling for everything from ending the war (in Vietnam) to complete over throw of the “system man” to say black radicals who wanted to “kill whitey”, these bunch of loser and dreamers where met with brute force from the beginning. I will always remember the cover of the NY Daily News in the late 60s (which loved these kind of pictures) this one showed the broken, bodies, shot to pieces, literally of 3 black panther types that killed 2 NYPD cops, one white one black I think. Both had families with young children I remember that from the cover the next day showing the grieving widows. It seemed everyday there was news footage of long haired freaks being tear-gassed and beaten with billy clubs. Contrast that with the little punks in UC Davis who got a campus policeman fired for pepper spraying them, or the little resistence the OWS movement got when they completely trash most major cities, to the contrary the frail, weak, left wing media and thier prince, Obama actually came out and supported them, oh I can’t forget the over the top support they got from the speaker of the house, one Nancy Pelosi, a freak in her own right. Now if these force ever get their act together, and are infiltrated by the likes of Al Kay-Da and the black stop praying on the cuties in the camps and actually start to do some damage, with the insanity of the liberal media, and an unarmed populace, a declawed police you have the ingredients for total and complete anarchy and eventual fall of this once great country. As much as I hate to let these morons in on a blueprint for success, I am sure the likes of BroncoBama and Eric Holder with help from Van Jones, these people are well aware of what they need to. My point is so should you. If you think it can’t happen here, think about the toxic soup of what I described, its more real than you think. These same people are bringing down the government all over the world, such as Syria, and chaos will rein and a far more radical, Islamic government will fill the whole this dictator will eventually crawl out of. Fight these forces, arm yourselves, get training and support conservative politicians, because we were lucky in 2011, the ingredients didn’t mix correctly, but they sure can next time and if the governments pussy foot around next time like they did, you will be defending your property because that’s what these dirtbags, Obama supporters, Islamists and losers want..

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