Friday, December 14, 2012

Obama is at it again!

It’s started already; BroncoBama and his butt buddy AG Eric Holder (who by all rights should be in jail for crimes against humanity) are using the tragedy in Newton Conn. to push gun control. Forget the mental issues of the shooter, the broken home of the shooter and the prescription drugs the shooter was on, no it’s always the gun. This is a tragedy and we should all pray for the victims and their families, but let’s leave the weapons out of it. In every one of these cases, the shooter is a very disturbed individual usually on drugs and has severe issues that might be better addressed. They could just as easily drive a car into a crowd. But the worst thing is how Obama and his gun control crowd all come out so concerned when it is a nice quiet school in a nice neighborhood, forget about the 500 black kids killed in Obamas adopted home town of Chicago or the hundreds that are killed each year in every city. They don’t count. Obama has ever missed a chance to use a good tragedy to further his socialist/communist agenda. When I saw that picture of Obama on the front page of Drudge Report with that ridicules hat and joint in his mouth I wanted to puke, it’s bad enough there are nude pictures of his mother taken by Obamas mentor Franklin Marshall Davis floating around, but this guy is just not qualified to be president and he makes me very uncomfortable. Did you ever think there would be a day when you would see pictures of your President smoking weed? And you want this guy to make the rules? Good Luck with that!!

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