Friday, December 21, 2012

Aloha, Obama

Well BroncoBama is off to Hawaii for his winter solstice vacation (the little secret is the Obamas DO NOT celebrate Christmas, yup thats right, its one of those “white mans” holidays, but they don’t celebrate Kwanza either?) I hope he has a nice time, seeing the old stomping grounds where he got his first taste of pot and affirmative action. Oh yes the old country home of his communist/pornographer mentor, Franklin Marshall Davis, where Davis and Grandpa Dunham would drink whiskey and admire Davis’s large porn collection, some of them his daughter, Obamas trashy momma, while Bronco did.....well we’ll never know will we. If we could somehow understand the enormous amounts of money the government is spending each day that it is actually borrowing to keep the no loads in top shape we would be very worried, but most people are not, I stopped worrying actually, when Obama was crowned prince of the useless and stupid for 4 more years I gave up. I don’t think everyone should but if is causing you bodily harm as it was me, stop worrying about it. First, if you voted you pretty much did all you could to save this once great country. If didn’t vote which I understand many of you did not, you should shoulder some of the blame. To be perfectly blunt, Obama has no business being President, of a small, impoverished country where he can promise modest freebies to the uneducated peasants, maybe. But his early 20th century brand of social engineering that has FAILED every time its been applied to large developed countries is not working here. And what is worse they generally don’t fail well, that is a lot of people suffer and die needlessly. That is one of the reasons BroncoBama is gunning for your guns. And don’t fall for the ‘police in every school’, hell half of them already have undercover or uniformed police in them already. He wants his “well equipped civilian army” that be promised when running in 2008, that all you morons overlooked, to keep you down. Its going to get bad. 4 more years of this little bolsheviks dream world will wreck this fragile democracy. His all out war on success is bleeding this country as sure as arrows would. This man is very dangerous, and he’s your President. But don’t worry, be happy.........Aloha

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