Monday, December 10, 2012

Just what IS an "Obama supporter"

If you had to make a composite of the “typical Obama supporter” what would it look like? I would think a cross between Rachael Madcow and “rev” Al Sharton (have you ever watched MSNBC?, I did once and this guy being interviewed by Sharpton kept calling this fraud “Reverend”, he is as far from anything “reverend” as a human can get). The typical Obama supporter has a job, probably something in government, aged 18-40, smokes a lot of pot, does not shower regularly, allegedly to save water but we all know better. Drives an old Honda, because “it fits my needs and saves gas” but again we all know its because he/she cannot get a loan due to the divorce and bankrupsy thanks to the “ex”. Fortunately will probably never reproduce, but regrets getting that pesky STD from Mandango in college. Yes, this typical Obama supporter is a winner for the ages. The only hope for this once great country is this new protohuman dies out from not reproducing, thanks to abortion, which they fully support and use regularly and STDs. There is hope, but thats all we have these daze. The country club republicans just can’t seem to get traction against Obama and his media minions like F. Chuck Todd and the rest of the screwballs at ABC, NBC and CBS. You can do one thing though, you can NOT watch anything on those networks. Let the morons have them.You can watch your stereotypical Obama supporters who produce, direct and star in this crap they call television. Don’t be one, stop one.

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