Friday, December 7, 2012

Obamas shit eating grin

While most of us are busy Christmas shopping, the dictator in chief, BroncoBama is making his list and he’s checking it twice. His grandiose plans for bringing this country to its knees both politically and economically are playing out before our eyes, his army of losers, misfits and confused followers are dancing happily behind him. From the losers in his “home” state of Hawaii, ground zero for a defeated people who have been taught by the likes of Obama favorite communist mentor Franklin Davis, when in between chasing white woman and writing porn novellas was busy telling the overweight and lazy hawaiians that “whitey” owes them a living. Obama was quite a student of Davis, and we will never know if Obamas momma was one of Davis’s conquests but the nude pictures of her taken by Davis point to that. Obamas drunk Kenyan daddy sure believed that all his problems were because of “whitey”, even though everything this loser ever had was given to him by non other than, yup “whitey”. Obama was more than just a student of Davis, yes he also studied other communist, anti American writers, maybe you’ve heard of them, Norm Chomsky, Saul Alinsky, these are Obamas heros, not George Washington, or Eisenhower, he sees them as oppressors of his people, the demented, lazy, overweight, no loads. Obama must be stopped, as his ever growing army of morons grows his head swells with visions of being President for life, or better yet, dear leader for life. Do what you can, when you can. That shit eating grin of his is a very dangerous weapon of mass destruction. Thank you for your support in these very dangerous times, Paul Kersey

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