Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hold onto your wallets, Obama is going to do some good!

Here we go, just as many predicted BroncoBama is going for your guns. Forget about the millions of so called “assault weapons” (I believe Sen Feinstein invented that word so I hate using it) that are sitting in peoples homes doing no more harm that collecting dust. This is all about furthering the communist agenda that lets the nations losers and mental cases off the hook for thier bad behavior and decisions. It’s the riches fault, it’s the guns fault, it’s the banks fault, it’s the ex boyfriends fault, it everyone fault but the insane moron who made the made decision. Take any “affordable” or low income housing project, you know the ones were we pay the rent, yeah those, every city and now town has them and they are growing. The typical idiot living in these “units” is probably of low IQ, never had a pair of parents to steer them on the right path, was of loose morals and brought more children into this world that they could possibly afford, many with multiple mates. They think using legal and illegal drugs are a long term solution to all thier problems and if the “rich MF’ers “ would just pay more in taxes thier lives would be better. That’s the problem with America, not guns, not the rich, not anyone but the morns we continue to subside on a grand scale and getting grander. They are populating the country faster than the rich can pay for them. They shoot and main each other everyday but really does any one care? This poor soul in Connecticut probably should have been in a home for nut jobs, but thanks to the ACLU (which if you follow the trail back to all these problems is the root cause) will not allow it. Bronco will not let this tragedy go by with getting some mileage for his agenda. And there is no good news here, the bums outnumber us and Bronco is their man. As Obama said in his 08 campaign, “hold onto your guns and religion” you will be needing both before this is over. Paul Kersey

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