Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Culture "warriors"

Hi, My name is Ed, I will be filling in for Paul until he returns which should be soon. Today I saw a big, fat black woman shuffling into the local cable store which is not unusal as it a magnet for no loads who instead of working, sit and watch cable TV all day. But it wasn’t just her it was the nearly identical white woman who was following her, she was almost an exact copy just lighter (not less weight, but white). She was shuffling her fat feet,in the same way the woman ahead of her was as she got out of her late model SUV. The moment was not lost on me as I can’t help but think how quickly whites and for that matter hispanics and young asians are dropping the once great American culture for what amounts to “ghetto culture” the one most inner city blacks have been floundering in for decades and have made little effort to change. They gain huge amounts of weight, adopt the baggy cloths (except the woman, they instead somehow squeeze a pair of legs from a 5', 300lbs wide load into jeans that were made for a person 1/5th that size, the threads are taking incredible loads. They wear broke back slipppers because thier feet are so fat they no longer fit store bought shoes. The “men” well, you’ve seen them. These are the soldiers in the decline our culture and may ultimalty be the reason for this countrys demise. Once humans adopt this culture, they use drugs and commit crimes in multiples of other humans. What is amazing is these new species of human even thought they are morbidly obese, smoke weed and drink all day can still move very quickly when it comes to getting something for free, you can see it for yourself on youtube from “black Friday” sales. We can thank George H.W. Bush for making disability a way of life and these new type of human can live out thier lives on SSDI. Their culture is not family oriented, they rarely work unless its rear echelon military or government type work, as these agencies must put up with their bad behavior (by normal cultural standards, not thier culture of course). If Americans wants to try keeping a tradional culture they must cut these creatures off. They eat far in excess of what even a family might eat in the course of a day, they love a good “burgga’”. What can be done, nothing I think, as these people are “Obama’s people”. They have nothing to offer their fellow man, are environmental and nutrional nightmares. They help most fast food business stay in the black and ruin the bolstering gin thier SUVs

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