Sunday, December 2, 2012

Everyday, the fight is here!!!

Everyday I read another story of “Islamists” what ever that is, they are just followers of Islam doing exactly what thier “good book” tells them to do, killing Christians. Everyday! Whether it be in Nigeria, the Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Lebanon, the Philippines, these killers are stalking Christians worldwide. They mean business. Sure we are knocking out a few leaders here and there but they get replaced in hours. These killers are the followers of a religion of peace as we in the west are being told for whatever reason because I can’t think of one. They are stone cold killers who actually believe in 72 virgins or young boys whatever it is they do when they die. This is not something new, it has been going on since thier founder mohammed first founded this cult of death or conversion. I know your gelding history teachers have told you about the evil crusaders who for no reason went from Europe to kill the peaceful mooslums and that’s what started it all. WRONG. The mooslums marched out of the Saudi desert looking for more fertile land, they found the area around where Israel and Lebanon exist today, this area was founded by Jews and later Roman Christians. Then these bearded barbarians come though with thier very nice, “convert or die” policy. When news got to Europe that the church of the sepulture was under attack Pope Urban sent an army in the year 1100 or so to take it back. Setting off subsequent wars with the mooslums. So when your teachers tell you about the evil Jews and if we would just stop supporting them, tell them to shut the hell up. The mooslum have been on a march of conquest WORLDWIDE SINCE!! The insane libs just love the dirtbag Palestinians, who never had a so called homeland. They are just international welfare recipients led by the people cut from the same cloth as Jesse HiJackson and Al Sharton. The mooslums have been invading Europe and Africa for centuries but they now have the weak, sorry sisters of the left in power in western nations helping them. They are now using 2 fronts, violent overthrow in northern Africa and immigration in Europe and the Americas and Australia. These people are not here to do anything other than overthrow your weak governments and install thier psychotic form of law called Sharia. You must be strong and fight them when they confront you. Don’t be a weakling and smile at them in stores or like some fools actually bow to them. Show your scorn at them stealing millions in benefits and freebies. They cheat on taxes when they do work because thier “good book” the koran tells them is ok to steal from the infidels. We are living in very dangerous times, stand up and fight them. We must start another political party in all western nations that will stand up to the barbarians. Don’t listen to the fools who call nationalist parties “right wing” or “racists”, they are patriots who don’t want their countries given away. The English Defense League” is just one example of people that are tired of watching thier country being handed over to bearded clams in dirty night shirts with 3 black clad semi-woman walking 10 ft behind them. Start a Defense group now. Your government is too weak and hollowed out by leftist, insane thought. Remember, the main symptom of liberalism is the loss of the ability to know when you are in danger and defend yourself.

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