Thursday, December 6, 2012

Its always been Right!!

There are many people who say that the world is upside down. Well not the planet itself but society, what was right is now wrong, what was wrong is now right for example. Did you ever think in a sane world children would be banned from even mentioning the word Christmas in schools. Courts would be telling cities and states to take down war memorials that are crosses down from public lands because of a demented pervert is “offended”. How about a “woman” Rachael Madcow, going on televison dressed as a man with a straight face. What about a US President railing against being successful? Most anything “tradional” is now seen as wrong or something to be banned. The weak willed geldings fighting us are easily defeated. Don’t listen to them, make fun of them for being weak, and don’t engage them in conversation. They will bore you to death with caleches. Fight them where you find them.

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