Tuesday, December 18, 2012

That is why you need to arm yourselves

While Obama (and sadly some of the families) are making the most of this tragedy in Connecticut, the world is watching our reaction. The insane liberals and its political arm, the mainstream media seems to be hell bent on blaming the weapons the man used. They also blame the poor mother because she was a “prepper” of sorts. Of course they will not wait and address the real issues. The fact that these same libs have been going full speed ahead to emasculate males in this country, this guy was in some ways a prototype of what they want young males to be. However don’t fall into the trap that many liberals set for law abiding gun owners, that is to say “I own my guns and the second amendment was meant for me to use them to overthrow the government if necessary”, first, I’m not sure that’s what the founders meant, and that time has long past when you and a band of brothers could over throw this government. If the storm troopers of the ATF, or even your local police come to take you away or your guns, please do not attempt to shoot it out with them, they will win and you will die unnecessarily and give them a poster boy against guns. They are in most cases better armed, trained and have almost unlimited resources. Even local police forces have units near to special forces capabilities and forget about if the real special forces come for you. I understand many of us believe we have no voice in Washington. They give away our hard earned money to those who snicker at the liberals and spend it with glee as it is an entitlement. And the government wants more, much more to give them, And THESE are people you need to protect yourself from, because this group has grown at exponential rates. And IF the liberals ever get the nerve to cut thier entitlements you will need to defend yourselves, against these no loads because the very police that you pay for WILL NOT confront these losers. Don’t believe me, look at the OWS “movement”. And the real Obama supporters make OWS morons look like boyscouts. That’s why you need to arm yourselves and your family. And that’s what you say to any liberal who asks. They may have lost their sense of self survival but don’t lose yours

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