Friday, November 2, 2012

Take Care of yourselves

Many of us have heard all the predictions concerning the election, one interesting analysis has Romney wining in a landslide, while that would make my day, well, make that my month, there is one old hag I would like to see gone next Tuesday and that is Diane Feinstein, this old biddy lib has been screwing Californians while helping herself and her husbands business for years. She is so comfortable in her reelection, she wont even take time to debate her opponent. The site of her makes me ill. If Obama is sent back to Chicago where he may get some sought of “job” milking the government in the name of doing good, but trust me even if he gets the boot we have not heard the last of this fraud, think Bill Clinton, this is a guy who you cannot insult or embarrass, they have no conscience. I wanted to touch on the tragedy taking place in the NY metro area, the part that really gets me is the union goons are stopping non union power workers from helping folks get power back on. This is Obamas America. I can understand a cluster%uck like this in New Orleans or Haiti, but NYC? This is the most powerful country in the world, Obama and Bush sent our military to rebuild all soughts of hell wholes the world over and they are no where in site in NYC. Then to make things worse, in the middle of all this that fraud mayor has the audacity to put out his endorsement of Obama, and get this “because of his stance on climate change”? If it wasn’t real I would not believe it. Forget about that tub of lard governor of NJ Christo Christy, who embraces Obama on his quick look at the damage, Bloomberg is taking politics to a new low. But this is who we have elected and until something changes its going to get worse, much worse. Make sure you take care of your families, because no one else will, there a number of good books to read on the this very subject, I will post a list of them I have found useful in a near future post. Until tomorrow, we are doing GodsDirtyWork. Paul Kersey

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