Saturday, November 24, 2012

First of the 4 Biggest Problems this country is facing that no one will talk about

The once great United States of America has some huge problems besides the ones that everyone is talking about. The news covers the so called “fiscal cliff” and budget issues, Obama “non” care to name a few but the ones that are too “touchy” to discuss in public are; the “Negro problem”, Islamic enclaves, Thieving Immigrants, and lastly the large drugged population. GodsDirtyWork will cover these topics in the coming days one at a time. Until these issue can be discussed, and dealt with they will only grow and become more of a treat to our once great nation. The one we refer to as the “Negro problem” is not the Kenyan American in the white house (although he is a very serious problems, we will leave him as chum for the likes of Hannity). The problem I want to discuss is the extreme non productivity of blacks in our society. It’s the elephant in the room. If you take away government employment (city, state, federal) very, very few blacks work at real productive jobs. Too many blacks are involved in street crime, the kind the police rightly go after with zeal. They get locked up, or worse killed by other black criminals, the kind of crimes the leaders of the “community” don’t want to discuss. Blacks start off life dragging a 100lbs weight, born into single family homes, many with drug and alcohol abuse (although whites are working very hard to catch up). They view success as something “whitey” does, so any black who tries to drag himself out of the cesspool he grew up in is ostracized by his or her peers. Then, with a chip firmly placed on thier shoulders they go through life blaming everyone but themselves for thier shortcomings in life. The prisons are chock full of these individuals. What can be done? We have tried everything from trillions of dollars of welfare and give aways to midnight basketball, and the truth be said, nothing has changed. The latest development is many are turning to the religion that first enslaved thier African ancestors, Islam, and of course, the mooslum masters tell them the same ole story, “its whiteys fault” you are a failure. They get pushed ahead in school and work out of the "systems" fear of being called racist,. The only answer is stop subsidizing thier failure. That means cut off the welfare, free housing and stop locking them up. Stop paying single black women to get knocked up by in many cases 5 different men. Put together a panel of sucessful black business people (not a bunch of do nothing community organizers, or government employees) that can show them the road to success, and what it takes, the first and foremost which is the intact family, and that’s not the granny who gives the kids money for crack. Maybe then we can all learn to live together. Paul Kersey

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