Saturday, November 24, 2012

The 2nd largest problem facing America-DRUGS

You’ve seen them, they are everywhere, the wacked out middle aged woman that stares at people or items in the store. She has probably been taking increasingly large doses of her favorite anti depressant to ease the pain of hating everything in her life. It probably started years ago when she drove her husband away and realized years later he was her one chance at love. She regrets never having children or if by chance she did, they too, are wacked out zombies on meth or pot. Or the 50 year old man who smokes pot all day everyday because he still thinks it “cool” These perpetual “children” all have one common problem, they refuse to grow up and accept that many days, life just sucks. But they cannot accept reality, so they go to the friendly neighborhood drug dealer who may or may not be an MD, and get something to makes them feel better about being a loser in love and life. We are a nation of drugged morons, and that is a big reason that Kenyan American was re elected. A straight laced guy like Romney makes them feel “uncomfortable” because he is living proof that traditional living breeds success and happiness. But the drugged morons watch thier favorite television shows that almost always show a gay, weak man, a slut woman and a smart assed little punk for a child. And they idolize these fictional dopes. Drug use, both legal and illegal has soared in the last 20 years, along with the increased use is the potency of these drugs. Go into the doctors office and tell him you are feeling “blue” he won’t talk to about how you feel but in 5 minutes you will be on your way to the drug store to pick up a prescription for zoloff or what ever they call it. With more than half of the country either stoned out or in a perpetual anti depressant fog, is it any wonder every one is on disability or dependant on the government for at least some part of thier income? Wake up America, stop being weak, sometimes life really does suck but most days are just ok, don’t listen to the tramps and gelding on TV, ITS NOT REAL (even the “reality shows are fake BTW). Paul Kersey

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