Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Today is the day the will live...........

Today is a day that will live in infamy. I know that phrase is synonymous with December 7th 1941 and Pearl Harbor, however today November 4th 2012 Americans will decide wether they want to live in a world envisioned by the likes of Saul Alinsky, or what the founding fathers describe in the constitution. There is no doubt in my mind and many others that if Obama and his “new” black kittens and communist sympathizers can pull off their twisted dream and win, the people as well as the constitution lose. America will peak over the top on to a downward slide and there maybe no coming back. Hold onto your wallets folks, this little NYU commie has his sights on it. While Romney is a luke warm conservative, he’s the only hope we have. I am very worried that Obama and his army of losers and freeloaders will win this election just like the did in 2008. This cast of characters like Debbie “blabber mouth” Shultz Wasserman, Eric Holder, and many others will bring this country to its knees. You will finally see Obama embrace his long time Alinsky pals, Bill Ayers, and Rev “wrong”. He will be free to exact a revenge on his enemies the likes of which we have never seen, this despot of a worm hates this country and the people who made it the great nation it was. If this fraud pulls this off today, I pray for all of us that have done out best to rid the white house of one of the worst Presidents ever. Make no mistake, there is no fury like that of a scorned liberal. God Help us all Paul Kersey

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