Thursday, November 29, 2012

Don't be Fooled Again

The “Lord and Savior” of the no loads is not the first President to think he can save those who cannot be saved from thier own destructive behavior. It actually started in earnest with Woodrow Wilson, arguably the worst President ever. But the patron saint of giveaways has got to be FDR. Every insane liberal worships at his alter. Then what many call the nail in the coffin of self reliance was President Johnsons “war on poverty”. This war (it should have been named the war on working people) gave every no-load and mental deficient a reason and excuse why they can’t support themselves or thier offspring, who have multiplied by the millions and stand albeit wobbly behind their “Lord and Savior” BroncoObama. These subhumans are now a permeant part of the western culture, some 4 generations deep in a culture of abuse, of you name it, they abuse it. They are the underclass of criminals, murders, addicts and the rising tide of dwellers of the monuments to the underclass, public housing. You see these bums are not the “homeless”. There is no family, no connection to religion or country, they just “are”. The guilty, ill inspired lefts so called “war on poverty” created and perpetuates this underclass, who I doubt can ever be lifted out of thier despair. And don’t be fooled, this not a benign problem, this underclass is ready to take much, much more from who ever they can. They now have a sponsor in the white house, thier “Lord and Savior”

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