Friday, December 21, 2012

Aloha, Obama

Well BroncoBama is off to Hawaii for his winter solstice vacation (the little secret is the Obamas DO NOT celebrate Christmas, yup thats right, its one of those “white mans” holidays, but they don’t celebrate Kwanza either?) I hope he has a nice time, seeing the old stomping grounds where he got his first taste of pot and affirmative action. Oh yes the old country home of his communist/pornographer mentor, Franklin Marshall Davis, where Davis and Grandpa Dunham would drink whiskey and admire Davis’s large porn collection, some of them his daughter, Obamas trashy momma, while Bronco did.....well we’ll never know will we. If we could somehow understand the enormous amounts of money the government is spending each day that it is actually borrowing to keep the no loads in top shape we would be very worried, but most people are not, I stopped worrying actually, when Obama was crowned prince of the useless and stupid for 4 more years I gave up. I don’t think everyone should but if is causing you bodily harm as it was me, stop worrying about it. First, if you voted you pretty much did all you could to save this once great country. If didn’t vote which I understand many of you did not, you should shoulder some of the blame. To be perfectly blunt, Obama has no business being President, of a small, impoverished country where he can promise modest freebies to the uneducated peasants, maybe. But his early 20th century brand of social engineering that has FAILED every time its been applied to large developed countries is not working here. And what is worse they generally don’t fail well, that is a lot of people suffer and die needlessly. That is one of the reasons BroncoBama is gunning for your guns. And don’t fall for the ‘police in every school’, hell half of them already have undercover or uniformed police in them already. He wants his “well equipped civilian army” that be promised when running in 2008, that all you morons overlooked, to keep you down. Its going to get bad. 4 more years of this little bolsheviks dream world will wreck this fragile democracy. His all out war on success is bleeding this country as sure as arrows would. This man is very dangerous, and he’s your President. But don’t worry, be happy.........Aloha

Thursday, December 20, 2012

What they really want!

When you take this current anti gun climate and mix it with the OWS/ anarcharist movement of last year, and add a pinch of mooslum anti American, anti Christianity, black criminal gangs, you have something like what has happened in may societies in the past and what is happening in the middle east today. Its like a forest fire that feeds on the strong trees and ends with total destruction and no wins, everyone is a loser. The US was faced with a similar situation in the 60s, and mis mash of “radials” calling for everything from ending the war (in Vietnam) to complete over throw of the “system man” to say black radicals who wanted to “kill whitey”, these bunch of loser and dreamers where met with brute force from the beginning. I will always remember the cover of the NY Daily News in the late 60s (which loved these kind of pictures) this one showed the broken, bodies, shot to pieces, literally of 3 black panther types that killed 2 NYPD cops, one white one black I think. Both had families with young children I remember that from the cover the next day showing the grieving widows. It seemed everyday there was news footage of long haired freaks being tear-gassed and beaten with billy clubs. Contrast that with the little punks in UC Davis who got a campus policeman fired for pepper spraying them, or the little resistence the OWS movement got when they completely trash most major cities, to the contrary the frail, weak, left wing media and thier prince, Obama actually came out and supported them, oh I can’t forget the over the top support they got from the speaker of the house, one Nancy Pelosi, a freak in her own right. Now if these force ever get their act together, and are infiltrated by the likes of Al Kay-Da and the black stop praying on the cuties in the camps and actually start to do some damage, with the insanity of the liberal media, and an unarmed populace, a declawed police you have the ingredients for total and complete anarchy and eventual fall of this once great country. As much as I hate to let these morons in on a blueprint for success, I am sure the likes of BroncoBama and Eric Holder with help from Van Jones, these people are well aware of what they need to. My point is so should you. If you think it can’t happen here, think about the toxic soup of what I described, its more real than you think. These same people are bringing down the government all over the world, such as Syria, and chaos will rein and a far more radical, Islamic government will fill the whole this dictator will eventually crawl out of. Fight these forces, arm yourselves, get training and support conservative politicians, because we were lucky in 2011, the ingredients didn’t mix correctly, but they sure can next time and if the governments pussy foot around next time like they did, you will be defending your property because that’s what these dirtbags, Obama supporters, Islamists and losers want..

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hold onto your wallets, Obama is going to do some good!

Here we go, just as many predicted BroncoBama is going for your guns. Forget about the millions of so called “assault weapons” (I believe Sen Feinstein invented that word so I hate using it) that are sitting in peoples homes doing no more harm that collecting dust. This is all about furthering the communist agenda that lets the nations losers and mental cases off the hook for thier bad behavior and decisions. It’s the riches fault, it’s the guns fault, it’s the banks fault, it’s the ex boyfriends fault, it everyone fault but the insane moron who made the made decision. Take any “affordable” or low income housing project, you know the ones were we pay the rent, yeah those, every city and now town has them and they are growing. The typical idiot living in these “units” is probably of low IQ, never had a pair of parents to steer them on the right path, was of loose morals and brought more children into this world that they could possibly afford, many with multiple mates. They think using legal and illegal drugs are a long term solution to all thier problems and if the “rich MF’ers “ would just pay more in taxes thier lives would be better. That’s the problem with America, not guns, not the rich, not anyone but the morns we continue to subside on a grand scale and getting grander. They are populating the country faster than the rich can pay for them. They shoot and main each other everyday but really does any one care? This poor soul in Connecticut probably should have been in a home for nut jobs, but thanks to the ACLU (which if you follow the trail back to all these problems is the root cause) will not allow it. Bronco will not let this tragedy go by with getting some mileage for his agenda. And there is no good news here, the bums outnumber us and Bronco is their man. As Obama said in his 08 campaign, “hold onto your guns and religion” you will be needing both before this is over. Paul Kersey

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

That is why you need to arm yourselves

While Obama (and sadly some of the families) are making the most of this tragedy in Connecticut, the world is watching our reaction. The insane liberals and its political arm, the mainstream media seems to be hell bent on blaming the weapons the man used. They also blame the poor mother because she was a “prepper” of sorts. Of course they will not wait and address the real issues. The fact that these same libs have been going full speed ahead to emasculate males in this country, this guy was in some ways a prototype of what they want young males to be. However don’t fall into the trap that many liberals set for law abiding gun owners, that is to say “I own my guns and the second amendment was meant for me to use them to overthrow the government if necessary”, first, I’m not sure that’s what the founders meant, and that time has long past when you and a band of brothers could over throw this government. If the storm troopers of the ATF, or even your local police come to take you away or your guns, please do not attempt to shoot it out with them, they will win and you will die unnecessarily and give them a poster boy against guns. They are in most cases better armed, trained and have almost unlimited resources. Even local police forces have units near to special forces capabilities and forget about if the real special forces come for you. I understand many of us believe we have no voice in Washington. They give away our hard earned money to those who snicker at the liberals and spend it with glee as it is an entitlement. And the government wants more, much more to give them, And THESE are people you need to protect yourself from, because this group has grown at exponential rates. And IF the liberals ever get the nerve to cut thier entitlements you will need to defend yourselves, against these no loads because the very police that you pay for WILL NOT confront these losers. Don’t believe me, look at the OWS “movement”. And the real Obama supporters make OWS morons look like boyscouts. That’s why you need to arm yourselves and your family. And that’s what you say to any liberal who asks. They may have lost their sense of self survival but don’t lose yours

Sunday, December 16, 2012

It should make you very mad!!!

Liberal insanity and its army of no load turd worlders have made food shopping a torturous exercise. Every time I go to a food store (never a vegetable stand, the no loads never shop there) the smiley turd worlders, as happy as can be, with 2 and 3 separate orders so they can buy expensive steak, $22 bottles of wine and cigarettes, hold all the good working people up. We work all day, then have to wait for these wastes of human life to sort out their orders and then happily run thier food stamp, welfare credit card through. I’m sure they think they are the bees knees, thier relatives are eating twigs and coyote dung and drinking putrid water while they, living in subsidized housing, getting free medical care and of course, free food thanks to liberal insanity here in the good ole USA. Forget we are going broke, they could care less if they are even aware of the countries financial problems. They are greeted in the welfare office by a smiling 55 yrs old grey haired liberal hag who tells them what benefits they are ENTITLED to, yes ENTITLED to. If it does not make you sick, your sick, with the worst type of mental illness, liberalism. ITS NOT THE GOVERNMENTS MONEY to give away. Liberals cannot fathom that concept, that’s why it is up to we conservatives and libertarians to stop them, forget about educating them, its impossible, they are mentally ill and high on drugs. Paul Kersey

Friday, December 14, 2012

Obama is at it again!

It’s started already; BroncoBama and his butt buddy AG Eric Holder (who by all rights should be in jail for crimes against humanity) are using the tragedy in Newton Conn. to push gun control. Forget the mental issues of the shooter, the broken home of the shooter and the prescription drugs the shooter was on, no it’s always the gun. This is a tragedy and we should all pray for the victims and their families, but let’s leave the weapons out of it. In every one of these cases, the shooter is a very disturbed individual usually on drugs and has severe issues that might be better addressed. They could just as easily drive a car into a crowd. But the worst thing is how Obama and his gun control crowd all come out so concerned when it is a nice quiet school in a nice neighborhood, forget about the 500 black kids killed in Obamas adopted home town of Chicago or the hundreds that are killed each year in every city. They don’t count. Obama has ever missed a chance to use a good tragedy to further his socialist/communist agenda. When I saw that picture of Obama on the front page of Drudge Report with that ridicules hat and joint in his mouth I wanted to puke, it’s bad enough there are nude pictures of his mother taken by Obamas mentor Franklin Marshall Davis floating around, but this guy is just not qualified to be president and he makes me very uncomfortable. Did you ever think there would be a day when you would see pictures of your President smoking weed? And you want this guy to make the rules? Good Luck with that!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Wouldn't it be nice, just once?

I want to go back a couple of posts ago and expand on why our golfers can’t beat the liberal establishment. Here it is, conservatives are just to damn nice. The liberal media asks conservatives like Marco Rubio how old the earth is, trying to trap him in a “evolution v biblical” argument, he should have told the reporter to “go look it up you moron”. That’s what I want to hear from our conservative representatives, not crying, not pleading, not asking permission. Can you imagine for a minute if the truly insane Harry Reid was a republican? Hemorrhoids like F. Chuck Todd of MSNBC would have a field day with him, jokes would fly nightly. What about, Nancy Pelosi? Why is she not ridiculed, by Fox news? No shortage of material there. Dr Michael Savage is the only media person to actually call this nut job out. Now we get to the real morons of the liberal cause, the irrational black caucus, have you seen this bunch? There is not a 250ml beaker of brain matter among them. Sheila Jackass Lee would be driven out of congress if she was conservative, and the moron with the cowboy hat, come on, if a conservative, worse, white man showed with that hat on he would be tarred and feathered by F. Chuck and Rachael Madcow. Conservatives need to fight back, if only by asking the liberal media soda jerks , “what exactly do you mean by........” or “why do you ask that question”. Then once they get that down then they go onto “GO FUCK YOURSELF”. Even the perverts who elect the liberal morons would love it, These are the old grey haired hags who sit at home with a spiked cup of hot coco, watching MSNBC prison shows and thinking how these psychos would make wonderful husbands and fathers to the children they never had. Who do you think watches these shows? MORONS! I would love to see a little more fight in our golfers, take off thier golf cleats and fire them across the room at Maxine Waters, ask her where the bribe money she took went and why her daughter that doesn’t work drives a high end Mercedes. But, at least for now, we just have to sit back and watch Obama and his wrecking crew run rough shod over our passive golfers. But wouldn’t it be nice just once!! Paul Kersey

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Is anything right?

Am I the only one who thinks something is very wrong? First the Mayans tell us 12/21/2012 is the end of the world, then our fearless leaders run up huge deficits, now they send up a secret space plane and a huge asteriod is going to miss us? No, the only thing wrong is the morons in this country re elected an unquailified community organizer to the office of president. I have no idea were all this mess in the middle east will end, or what North Korea has in mind, but the bad news is, neither does BroncoBama. Keep working hard, millions and millions of no loads are relying on you for housing, food, medical care, and oh, a vacation. Paul Kersey

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The "green" weenies

Have you ever gotten to know one of the insane liberals who has taken up the “green” revolution? These people have been completely brainwashed and have had thier brains replaced with a small memory device, not unlike Al Gores. Here’s an example, There was a story recently that highlighted the video taken by International Space Station astronauts of the earth at night. Perhaps you’ve seen it, of course western cities are brightly lite, while the under or undeveloped parts are black (no pun). This nit wit in the article was actually saying how good it was to see so much blackened areas, it showed how small the “carbon footprint” and how “natural” these areas are. Well first let me say, I’m all for keeping some areas in a “natural state” however most of these areas shown in the video have humans living there, IN ABJECT POVERTY, is that what these “green” morons want? The answer is YES, they really, really want your lights turned off, your AC shut down, your car confiscated and forget about a boat or RV. These brainless fools, who use more energy looking at porn and writing emails than most normal people do. The only way they save any energy is they don’t bath enough or wash thier hemp flavored cloths. Who do they think they are? I’ll tell you, they think they have the RIGHT to tell you how to live, thier girly and manly (sexes reversed) teachers and professors tell them to go out in the world and shut down the power plants, stop the factories, get rid of all cars that can carry more than 1 grocery bag in the back. They are the truly insane, don’t listen to them, ignore them and when driving your truck, beep at them and wave, they hate it!! Paul Kersey

Monday, December 10, 2012

Just what IS an "Obama supporter"

If you had to make a composite of the “typical Obama supporter” what would it look like? I would think a cross between Rachael Madcow and “rev” Al Sharton (have you ever watched MSNBC?, I did once and this guy being interviewed by Sharpton kept calling this fraud “Reverend”, he is as far from anything “reverend” as a human can get). The typical Obama supporter has a job, probably something in government, aged 18-40, smokes a lot of pot, does not shower regularly, allegedly to save water but we all know better. Drives an old Honda, because “it fits my needs and saves gas” but again we all know its because he/she cannot get a loan due to the divorce and bankrupsy thanks to the “ex”. Fortunately will probably never reproduce, but regrets getting that pesky STD from Mandango in college. Yes, this typical Obama supporter is a winner for the ages. The only hope for this once great country is this new protohuman dies out from not reproducing, thanks to abortion, which they fully support and use regularly and STDs. There is hope, but thats all we have these daze. The country club republicans just can’t seem to get traction against Obama and his media minions like F. Chuck Todd and the rest of the screwballs at ABC, NBC and CBS. You can do one thing though, you can NOT watch anything on those networks. Let the morons have them.You can watch your stereotypical Obama supporters who produce, direct and star in this crap they call television. Don’t be one, stop one.

How Black is that?

In his recent Saturday Night Live appearance (is this slow, I mean show still on?) Jamie Foxx, the racist black man who played Ray Charles, let loose how he and how many blacks feel about being black and how they feel about “whitey”. Among other bombs he drops, he states (with the mostly white crowd clapping wildly) that in his new movie, he “gets to kill all the white people, how black is that”, whites cheer, that blacks are cool, how black is that:, whites cheer again. That BroncoBama played basketball on election black is that”, whites cheer again. Now for all you insane liberal whites, what would you have done if say, a second rate white actor, say that dope addict Charlie Sheen got up and said the same things in reverse, would you cringe? How about clap? It has been proven that the mental illness called liberalism has many side effects and symptoms, the worst is that one loses ones sense of self survival. In other words, an insane liberal will deliberately move the family to a “diverse neighborhood” so they are beat up the black thugs, who are smacking thier chops at the new meat in the hood. Then they let thier woman get raped and robbed and THEN vote for gun control. But the best is they sit and laugh and clap while a racist black man mocks them and even threatens to kill them, that my friends is insanity and its liberalism. Foxx talks about “his President” well he’s right about that, he’s not mine. But its all the successes and momentum made in race relations that has gone straight out’da’ doe’ since Foxx’s Prez was elected in 08'. Its sad but true. Martin Luther King must be rolling in his grave when he looks down on “his people”, last in just about every category in life except murders, prison population and sports, “how black is that” And to think you white folks voted for this fraud, but at least you feel a little better when those oh so slight urges to punch Jamie Foxx “upside his head” and then you push the urge down, deep down, because you are insane! Paul Kersey

Sunday, December 9, 2012

We need better golfers

How does a guy that is the product of a drunk Kenyan and a tramp from the Midwest that was sick with a bad case of jungle fever paint some the best golfers in DC into a corner? Lets face it, the fraud of a President we have is not fit to be the sod stuck in John Boners golf cleats. But, here we are, the country is headed right where the fraud want us to go, off the cliff and right into socialist nirvana. All the years BroncoBama spent looking at Franklin Marshall Davis’s “nudie pictures” while listening to him go on and on about the evil white, capitalists pigs. And the most reverend Rev Wrong tell tall tales about his chickens and how they are coming home to roost and America and whites are the most evil of all of Gods creations. The republicans, dressed in their best brightly colored check pants and golf shirts and hats are no match for this communist. The President that goes to another fine “reverend” Al Sharpton and confused Rachael Madcow for economic advise? And this is the best the republicans can do? Maybe we deserve what we are about to get. Old sod! Paul Kersey

Friday, December 7, 2012

We are in grave danger!

Have any of you ever had a chance to browse the official US military websites lately? For those of you that still live in a sane world and think the US military has fighting wars on its mind, you are in for a shock, here are few gems I gleaned, The Air force website has an“espanol” link, you would think we want english speakers in the AF? It, as the others has large parts about all the humanitarian work they do (not much about blowing things up) although I didn’t check the US Marine site, I was afraid of what I might find, I want to at least hope they are still a war fighting organization. It is appalling what the left and its geldings have done to one of the last bastions of American culture left. They advertise daycare for the kids, gay lifestyle, etc. I don’t want to even get into General Petraus and his shenanigans. Between this grinning commie in the white house and gelding generals and admirals, we are in grave danger. But the worst part is, you know, if Obama get his way and makes the required massive cuts to defense, it won’t be the daycare and gay lounges and barracks he cuts, it will be war fighting hardware and the last of the real men. Paul Kersey

Obamas shit eating grin

While most of us are busy Christmas shopping, the dictator in chief, BroncoBama is making his list and he’s checking it twice. His grandiose plans for bringing this country to its knees both politically and economically are playing out before our eyes, his army of losers, misfits and confused followers are dancing happily behind him. From the losers in his “home” state of Hawaii, ground zero for a defeated people who have been taught by the likes of Obama favorite communist mentor Franklin Davis, when in between chasing white woman and writing porn novellas was busy telling the overweight and lazy hawaiians that “whitey” owes them a living. Obama was quite a student of Davis, and we will never know if Obamas momma was one of Davis’s conquests but the nude pictures of her taken by Davis point to that. Obamas drunk Kenyan daddy sure believed that all his problems were because of “whitey”, even though everything this loser ever had was given to him by non other than, yup “whitey”. Obama was more than just a student of Davis, yes he also studied other communist, anti American writers, maybe you’ve heard of them, Norm Chomsky, Saul Alinsky, these are Obamas heros, not George Washington, or Eisenhower, he sees them as oppressors of his people, the demented, lazy, overweight, no loads. Obama must be stopped, as his ever growing army of morons grows his head swells with visions of being President for life, or better yet, dear leader for life. Do what you can, when you can. That shit eating grin of his is a very dangerous weapon of mass destruction. Thank you for your support in these very dangerous times, Paul Kersey

Thursday, December 6, 2012

More Breaking NEWS

Just as I was uploading my latested post, I recived some good news, Mr Paul Kersey is back. He is safe and looks forward to getting back to GDW ASAP. Thanks for hanging in thier with me....Ed

Its always been Right!!

There are many people who say that the world is upside down. Well not the planet itself but society, what was right is now wrong, what was wrong is now right for example. Did you ever think in a sane world children would be banned from even mentioning the word Christmas in schools. Courts would be telling cities and states to take down war memorials that are crosses down from public lands because of a demented pervert is “offended”. How about a “woman” Rachael Madcow, going on televison dressed as a man with a straight face. What about a US President railing against being successful? Most anything “tradional” is now seen as wrong or something to be banned. The weak willed geldings fighting us are easily defeated. Don’t listen to them, make fun of them for being weak, and don’t engage them in conversation. They will bore you to death with caleches. Fight them where you find them.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Culture "warriors"

Hi, My name is Ed, I will be filling in for Paul until he returns which should be soon. Today I saw a big, fat black woman shuffling into the local cable store which is not unusal as it a magnet for no loads who instead of working, sit and watch cable TV all day. But it wasn’t just her it was the nearly identical white woman who was following her, she was almost an exact copy just lighter (not less weight, but white). She was shuffling her fat feet,in the same way the woman ahead of her was as she got out of her late model SUV. The moment was not lost on me as I can’t help but think how quickly whites and for that matter hispanics and young asians are dropping the once great American culture for what amounts to “ghetto culture” the one most inner city blacks have been floundering in for decades and have made little effort to change. They gain huge amounts of weight, adopt the baggy cloths (except the woman, they instead somehow squeeze a pair of legs from a 5', 300lbs wide load into jeans that were made for a person 1/5th that size, the threads are taking incredible loads. They wear broke back slipppers because thier feet are so fat they no longer fit store bought shoes. The “men” well, you’ve seen them. These are the soldiers in the decline our culture and may ultimalty be the reason for this countrys demise. Once humans adopt this culture, they use drugs and commit crimes in multiples of other humans. What is amazing is these new species of human even thought they are morbidly obese, smoke weed and drink all day can still move very quickly when it comes to getting something for free, you can see it for yourself on youtube from “black Friday” sales. We can thank George H.W. Bush for making disability a way of life and these new type of human can live out thier lives on SSDI. Their culture is not family oriented, they rarely work unless its rear echelon military or government type work, as these agencies must put up with their bad behavior (by normal cultural standards, not thier culture of course). If Americans wants to try keeping a tradional culture they must cut these creatures off. They eat far in excess of what even a family might eat in the course of a day, they love a good “burgga’”. What can be done, nothing I think, as these people are “Obama’s people”. They have nothing to offer their fellow man, are environmental and nutrional nightmares. They help most fast food business stay in the black and ruin the bolstering gin thier SUVs

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

BREAKING NEWS Our Senior writer Mr Paul Kersey has gone into hiding once again, due to continued intrusions to his personal life. GDW is in the process of getting a replacement writer ASAP. We ask you all to keep Paul in your prayers as he continues his struggle to bring you Truth, Justice in the American way. God Bless you all.

Monday, December 3, 2012

What was the American Dream

Today it was announced that the Duke and Duchess of York are going to have a baby, its nice they are going to pass on thier genes, they seem like nice intelligent people, why not? This news came the day after the news story on the declining birth rate in the US. It seems most intelligent young people in this country say why when it comes to having children. They can live in a prison like “loft” drive a car far beyond what someone of thier means should and would drive, my rich uncle always drove a car much lower than his class, his explanation was he didn’t want people to know how was doing as well as he was and where he drove, NYC, it got damaged. But my point is there are many reasons to have children if you have the means to support them on your own AND you need to make enough future taxpayers to pay for your social programs, the “safety net” when you are no longer earning. The insane liberal got the idea in the 70s after telling woman they do not need a man or children to be happy, was to let any and all immigrants into he country, now it MAY have worked at first, many have become successful but something fundamentally changed in the 80s. What was the safety net became the draw for millions of unskilled people from the hell holes of the world, families, 3 generations in tow started coming here. Thier vison of the so called American dream was not to become successful but to siphon off what ever one can get from the safety net. And that was the beginning of where we are today. To make matters worse, young native born Americans caught on to what inner city blacks were taught, “its not your fault you’re a loser, its whiteys”, so they got the idea that the dream was not the opportunity to make it big, but a right! It was like skipping primary school and trying to attend high school, you will not make it, guaranteed. Liberal insanity told them they did not have to do primary school. They became permanent wards of the safety net and that net is now sagging to the breaking point. This would could been a the shining star opportunity for Obama to tackle in his second term (he said he would do it in his first, but we all know no one can get re elected that way), but he has chosen to let it go on, to failure. Where he wants the US and Western nation to go. We need change now. Paul Kersey

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Everyday, the fight is here!!!

Everyday I read another story of “Islamists” what ever that is, they are just followers of Islam doing exactly what thier “good book” tells them to do, killing Christians. Everyday! Whether it be in Nigeria, the Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Lebanon, the Philippines, these killers are stalking Christians worldwide. They mean business. Sure we are knocking out a few leaders here and there but they get replaced in hours. These killers are the followers of a religion of peace as we in the west are being told for whatever reason because I can’t think of one. They are stone cold killers who actually believe in 72 virgins or young boys whatever it is they do when they die. This is not something new, it has been going on since thier founder mohammed first founded this cult of death or conversion. I know your gelding history teachers have told you about the evil crusaders who for no reason went from Europe to kill the peaceful mooslums and that’s what started it all. WRONG. The mooslums marched out of the Saudi desert looking for more fertile land, they found the area around where Israel and Lebanon exist today, this area was founded by Jews and later Roman Christians. Then these bearded barbarians come though with thier very nice, “convert or die” policy. When news got to Europe that the church of the sepulture was under attack Pope Urban sent an army in the year 1100 or so to take it back. Setting off subsequent wars with the mooslums. So when your teachers tell you about the evil Jews and if we would just stop supporting them, tell them to shut the hell up. The mooslum have been on a march of conquest WORLDWIDE SINCE!! The insane libs just love the dirtbag Palestinians, who never had a so called homeland. They are just international welfare recipients led by the people cut from the same cloth as Jesse HiJackson and Al Sharton. The mooslums have been invading Europe and Africa for centuries but they now have the weak, sorry sisters of the left in power in western nations helping them. They are now using 2 fronts, violent overthrow in northern Africa and immigration in Europe and the Americas and Australia. These people are not here to do anything other than overthrow your weak governments and install thier psychotic form of law called Sharia. You must be strong and fight them when they confront you. Don’t be a weakling and smile at them in stores or like some fools actually bow to them. Show your scorn at them stealing millions in benefits and freebies. They cheat on taxes when they do work because thier “good book” the koran tells them is ok to steal from the infidels. We are living in very dangerous times, stand up and fight them. We must start another political party in all western nations that will stand up to the barbarians. Don’t listen to the fools who call nationalist parties “right wing” or “racists”, they are patriots who don’t want their countries given away. The English Defense League” is just one example of people that are tired of watching thier country being handed over to bearded clams in dirty night shirts with 3 black clad semi-woman walking 10 ft behind them. Start a Defense group now. Your government is too weak and hollowed out by leftist, insane thought. Remember, the main symptom of liberalism is the loss of the ability to know when you are in danger and defend yourself.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Enjoy Christmas

I hope you are getting ready to have a very Merry Christmas. I know I am. This is the time of year when the godless, liberal morons come out of the woodwork to complain about Christmas. But don’t be fooled by these jackasses, its not Christmas they distain so much, its EVERYTHING tradional American. These are same morons that get drunk and stoned celebrating holidays like Cinco De Mayo (ask them what is and they probably will tell you its Mexican independence, WRONG). They have been beaten down by years of liberal clap trap in schools and from broken homes. Mom spent Christmas throwing things around the house because little Johnnys daddy took off with another man, then 16 years of brainwashing in school and you have your perfect “Christmas hater”. I would personally like to put a Christmas tree up their poop shoots, but that is not in the spirt of the season. I can wait until one of the morons other favorite holidays Halloween! Have you ever seen these childish adults dress up for this one? Oh they love Halloween, its dark and scary, like thier stepdad. Stand up to the Christmas haters, say Merry Christmas every time you see them and if one is your “neighbor”, make sure the brightest lights are shining that way, oh and don’t forget the loud speaker playing deck the halls and all that. I have one were I live, they can’t avoid my old school lights when they drive by in thier Prius on the way for a “holiday” diner at the sushi bar. I like annoying Christmas haters, they won’t ruin my holiday. Some of these morons even get into local politics (I take that back Obama is in the White House), and they just love this time of year, here they come with the “Winter Holiday”, “Holiday Tree”, That commie car maker Acura’s “Season of Reason”, another reason not to buy one of those look alike cars, why not buy a Corolla and put the 20K cash you saved on the hood, now that would impress people. These are the same wimps that want to have Islamic day in schools and ban anything relating to Christmas. Stop them when you can, they are weak damaged people. But first and foremost, enjoy your Christmas. Paul Kersey

The Time for Change is Now

Now is the time for all true Americans to look to another political party to stop this tyrant BroncoBama. The republicans have NEVER taken this fraud to task. He continues to smile, dance, sing and make jokes about the state of the country and economy and has not come up with one plan to fix anything other than the ole commine standby “Tax the rich”. You see if any other republican had taken him to task on the 20 or so years he was indoctrinated by the racist, Anti-AMerican “preacher” Rev Wrong, it would be clear to ALL Americans just how much of an anti American radical BroncoBama is. Make no mistake, his Grandfather, Mother, his Kenyan Daddy all hated what this country and what it stood for, but we only heard little pieces of the pig picture. This fraud of a man is using his Presidency to run this country into 3rd world status. He must be stopped. I believe he was put in power by a consortium of socialist and academics who have been working diligently brainwashing our children in the schools for decades. Just listen to them talk about anything, all you get is dumb smiles and giggles. We must get this country back on track, it will take lost of work but first we must replace the current system with at least one party that speaks to true conservative and many libertarian values, We cannot trust the check pants republicans to speak for us any longer. Take one look at the democratic party, Obama, Boxer, Reed, Pelosie, damaged freaks all. These people combined could not run a McDonalds without going out of business in weeks. Why do we let them ruin our country. We are being cheated by a bunch of psychopathic morons Lets start today to get our country back,