Monday, December 28, 2009

Africanized Killer Moose-slums

I am taking a break from writing my Manifesto to comment on the latest pin prick from the pricks at the "religion of pieces" better known as Iz-slahm. Now they have recruited moronic Africans to blow there asses to kingdom come. What will these genius E-Moms think of next?
Do you think they are really just part of the world wide perverts? They are a bunch of cornholers, just ask little Johnny Bid Laden, his ass is still burning from a right good rogering by Mulla O-mar. These people are the enemy. Thank God there was a least one man onboard to fight this Africanized killer radicalized African.
This will continue until we stop them in our streets, in the airports and tear down those dam MOSKs, they don't just shit there, they are planning your demise!!!!

Back to my Manifesto-times a wastin'
Paul Kersey, looking forward to 2010, when we finally find the courage to stop this insane policy of "Die-vesirty" and "political correctness", and FIGHT BACK

Friday, December 25, 2009

My present to the western world

In the coming weeks you will only hear from me sporadically, as I will be going into deep hiding in an undisclosed location to pen my present to the west. It will be a Manifesto for the west to use as a response to the war IZ-lamic cornholers have declared against the west. This document will carefully outline what must be done not just by governments but by the people, us. The time has come for us to act, if our governments won't then who? This "attack" on the pope is most certainly a test by Moose-slums of his Holiness's security. All around the world in Moose-slum countries from Turkey, to Iraq and Paki-shit-a-stan Christians are facing government condoned persecution, while we, the idiots in the west allow not thousands but millions of brainwashed, illiterate moose-slums into our country who openly shout for our demise! Remember Lebanon in the 1970s, "oh that can't happen here" you say, think again, it already is!
I promise this manifesto will be a guiding light and possibly what saves us and future generations. Please be patient

Thursday, December 24, 2009

A time to Celebrate

For all of us here at GodsDirtyWork we received some early Christmas cheer, a present of sorts. Colonel Urinal Assan's E-Mom is dead, not just dead, a drone blew up his house with his little boy friends and kids. He is now in corn hole heaven with his 72 virgin boys. Talk about making my day, if only some patriotic doctor or nurse could inject some deadly substance that would slowly and painfully kill Col. Urinal Assan. That's too much to ask this Christmas.

To all the millions of you, who in my mind read this blog, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Keep praying for miracles.

Remember, its important to get even

Paul Kersey

Friday, December 18, 2009

A Christmas Message to the World

First, I would like to wish all of you very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. I have a wish list for 2010, I hope you do as well, here is my top 5 hopes for 2010;
1) Osama Bin Laden is caught, or killed (slowly I hope)
2) The Moose-slums keep killing each other-pick up the pace, please, thank you
3) We get the hell out of Afgan-a shit-astan and come home with a major victory
4) I win the lottery
5) the little punks that stole my Christmas lights electrocute themselves somehow.

Its not much to ask for, as I Paul Kersey have just about everything I want, including this blog which no one reads, but I enjoy making believe millions do. Merry Christmas. The hell with you, Stock up on ammo

Monday, December 14, 2009

E-Mom the bearded Clam

Read the following quote;
Muslim leaders said Friday the five American youths arrested in Pakistan for allegedly attempting to join the al Qaeda network were lured through the Internet into embracing terrorist ideology and that they will wage a cyber counterattack.
"This is a wake-up call involving our youths — Muslims and Catholics," Imam Mahdi Bray said outside the Islamic Circle of North American Center, the Northern Virginia mosque in which the men worshipped and participated in youth-group activities. "They see great injustices, and their emotions and passions are stirred, as they should be. …

I have some news for you "E-MOM Bray" Its too late for your another of your coded apologies about radicalized Moose-slums. I have had secret meetings with a group of radicals that guess what "E-Mom" they are out to defend Catholicism There plans are secret but what they did say is that in the event of another of your "emotional outbursts, or stirred up passion" happens they will settle up with Moose-slums in this country in a way that will help all you bearded clams meet Ah-lah. KOSJ

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I'm a "hater"?

As you can read the comment on my last post I have been accused of being a hater. I suppose if you talk about Truth, Justice and the American way (it is the best ) your a hater. If I may I would like to direct you to a man of God, a visionary who speaks the truth and pays the price. "His own people" have condemned him for speaking the truth, but he perseveres. One day individuals like Pastor Manning, Dr Micheal Savage and yours truly will be hailed as the hero's we are. Visionaries who saw what was happening and tried to do something about it. These are three truths that the entire world is in denial about:
1) Moose-slums are hell bent on converting the world by any means necessary, don't be fooled by the "moderates" standing on the sidelines-waiting.

2) Africa is @#$%ed up and beyond help. It should be left to go back to its natural state and hopefully it' s people can live in simplicity and peace. All foreign powers out-NOW

3) There is an Axis of evil, but its not who you think, its marxists, Moose-slums and worldwide perverts.

Visit Pastor Mannings website and behold the truth as told by true profit

Friday, December 11, 2009

The following is an essay by Paul Kersey on "the Climate Crisis

I hear its getting warmer in some places? It is? I sure as hell can't tell, I'm sitting here with the heater blasting and a cold rain coming down, I hear there has been record snow in parts of the country. But lets assume for moment it is "getting warmer". So what, I love the heat, if it gets too hot turn the a/c on, go for a swim! Maybe Canada can grow more food and Iowa can feed the rest of Africa, what the hell, they are all standing in line for a handout anyway. The news show parched soil and people standing around starving over there, in the 50's and 60-'s they tried to show Africans how to farm and feed themselves but they soon discovered it was alot easier to stand in line and wait for the UN (the US). Besides most of the men, when they are not killing each other are chasing and raping the poor women, maybe we should just arm and train the women of Africa? The other hell holes of the world can dry up and blow away, who cares? the oil is safely stored beneath the ground.
The bottom line is Paul Kersey wants warmer winters and warmer summers, it can rain less (I have sprinklers). Lets stop this nonsense, hell, it gets warmer every summer and colder in the winter. The earth has cooled and warmed many times. I don't like those noisy low wattage, light bulbs and I don't like low flow tur-lets. I keep jammin em' up! I don't like a cold tur-let seats either, so let it get warm.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Well What do you know?

Anti-Islam Protesters Clash With Police in England
Saturday, December 05, 2009
LONDON — Police clashed with anti-Islamist protesters Saturday in the English city of Nottingham.
Nottinghamshire Police said they made 11 arrests for public-order offenses as several hundred demonstrators from the English Defense League marched through the city, 125 miles north of London. Some waved red-and-white English flags and shouted, "We want our country back."
They were met by a rival group of anti-fascist protesters, and mounted police formed cordons between the sides.
The league has held a series of protests across Britain in the last few months. In each city they have been met by counter-demonstrators, and skirmishes have broken out.
The group says it is not racist and only opposes militant Islam. But its members have chanted anti-Muslim slogans and made Nazi salutes.

As you can see by the article above there is once again a glimmer of hope for the free world. I have always been fascinated when the "anti-fascism" bozos come out to protest people who marching for their country back? Notice these same puffs never come out to protest Moose-slums who are chanting "death to England", "death to all who defile IS-Lahm", really? These little perverts wouldn't know a fascist was if they chopped their little heads off. Their puffs, forget about them, they will roll the second they know they are in the slightest danger or their gay fathers and mothers get mad at them.

Paul Kersey, listening to his Dean Martin Christmas music with my friend Jack Daniels.
I long for the good ole daze when you could drive along the interstate and shop for a nice Christmas tree, then pull the truck over and make like you are changing a flat and quickly saw one down, throw it in the back and surprise the family with a real fresh cut Christmas tree. Then use the $25 for a bottle of hooch.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lets git it on AK-med

First I want to thank my good friend and colleague Preston Gomez for filling in and allowing me to take care of some very important business. Dr Preston has returned to his practice.

Now for the topic of today. Presidente Oh-Bama is going to send 30 thousand more troops to Afgan-a-crap-astan and then they will leave in 18 months. Sounds like a plan. Lets support him and these troops. Really, do you want them fail? I know this bucks the trend but I have to stand behind the folks who defend us.
Thank goodness that cop killer has been killed. Nice guy, Ole Huck-a-bee should have thought that one out a little bit before releasing him.
I would really like to see an a declaration of war on Is-Laham. I know there are probably some very innocent folks among them, but I'll bet there were a few of those in Dresden and Hiroshima during WWII. Really has there been any movement from "mainstream Moose-slums" to stop this madness? The answer is absolutely not. Paul Kersey sez, lets git it on AK-med. And get this dam war over with.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Dr Preston Gomez reporting:

Finally, at last, a breath of fresh air, the Swiss have overwhelmingly banned the further construction of Moose-slum minarets. Of course the out crys from the religion of pieces is loud and, well pointed. They say Moose-slums are not safe, not wanted, guess what AK-med, your not wanted, and go back to hell hole you came from and see how Christians and Jews are treated, with all the love and respect you demand from the west, yeah sure. Let the bastard complain, hopefully they can be herded into large rallies where they can be photographed for further action, and hey if some brave kids ( who hasn't been brainwashed by die-versity training) want to throw some red paint to symbolize the Moose-slums favorite color , well that's a plus. Hey AK-med, go back to the Turd World.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

What do you say to a Radicalized Moose-slum

I'm Dr. Preston Gomez filling in for Paul Kersey who is at a secret location enjoying his holidaze and taking his frustration out on unruly appliances.

How many crazed/radicalized Moose-slums are running around the United States? take a guess? Well truth be told I don't think anyone knows for sure, especially the folks we pay to know such things. They are too busy attending diversity meetings. I have heard upwards of 50K hardcore, wanna kill you types. One or more probably live within a hundred miles of you. I have some really bad news if you have a prison nearby, they are breeding grounds. Most Mosks have at least one E-Mom that would willing send some elses dim bulb son or daughter to kill the infidel. What can you do? Not much, as a matter of act you may find yourself at the mercy of a number of die-versity centric organizations if youeven think of "doing something" What would I say to a radicalized Moose-slum. "Come on over to my house jackass, I got something for you"

Saturday, November 21, 2009

What should we do

I was in a crowded place the other day and I noticed a couple of Moose-Slum "families" (lots of kids anyway, why not Unkie Sam will feed them) and I thought 'What if one of these human cockroaches is a suicide bomber?" I'm a little paranoid your thinking right? Well look around the world, its actually fairly common in the hell holes these cockroaches come from. They occasionally practice their religion of pieces in western countries. So why don't we ask, "Why are these people getting a free pass?" If some jackass white guy was wearing a swastika on his shirt I guaren dam tee ya they would either arrest him or throw his out of the establishment. But oh not a Moose-slum, no the idiots actually bow and let them pass on. I gotta tell ya its a matter of time before these roaches figure out they can bomb malls etc. We should have a little bet. If
Al-Ah forbid this does happen lets see how fast the Po-Leese and FIB run to guard the local Mosks. Its a crazy world.

This is "Pray for Paul" week Try going to church

Saturday, November 14, 2009

They should be Shot in New York

First, I was surprised Shake Kaleed was still alive, it just goes to show just how safe Gitmo is. This is the guy that when they captured him sleeping in Paki-stan, they thought he was wearing Mo-hair pajamas, but he was actually naked. I wonder why he didn't "hang" himself in jail? I suggest he be thrown of the Empire State building, but that's just me.

How about our other practitioner of the religion of pieces, the soldier of Al-ah, Col Hasan. I suppose he is getting the best medical care our Army can muster up. I would have though a genuine hero would have pulled the plug or poisoned the rat. Oh well, one can only hope. Did you see our government is closing down a few mosks? There is a glimmer of hope. We love you, you love me we are one big happy family, yeah right.

I have not heard from any good Moose-slums about my offer to pay thier way back to the hell holes they came from. We are just too dam hospitiable, welfare, food stamps, freedom to shout "death to America" from the top of their Sow-Di financed storefront Mosk.
And that goofball head of DHS says the border is now secure, and we can legalize all the illegals.
Dr Michael Savage wrote a peice of genius when he said "liberalism is a mental disorder"

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I don't like sugar and I don't like Tea, and I don't like a Moose-Slum yes siree

That's right, I'll say it, I have never met a Moose-slum I liked. I haven't met many but the few I have had the unfortunate experience to meet where like 11th century throwbacks. The women are horrible looking (As I have said before I support the berka for that reason alone. I have seen a few that could scare the stink off a pile Sh#&).
But with that said I'm willing to buy a whole families ticket back to the hell hole they came from. That's right, ole Paul has a heart. If you are a family of Moose-slum and are tired of all our hospitality and christian religious symbols, kids crying when they see your women, I will help you go back. Just contact me Paul Kersey @ "hey Ahmed go @#%^ yourself"
No really just contact me here, I will have one of my not so loyal staff members get you resettled in your favorite hell hole. Its the least I can do.

If you want to help me with this Moose-Slum resettlement program, contact me.
Next we can work on the one of the biggest Moose-slum problem, our prison system. Didn't know there was a problem there, oh yeah, big problem.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

American Moose-slums Fear Backlash?

You gotta be kidding me? Moose-slums fear backlash? From who? The de-maculated America? The Army? The Poe-lease? Like I said you gotta be kidding. Its not going to happen, ever, alright lets get that out of the way. The Moose-slums and their butt buddies the ACLU have got this country so cow toed, the best we can hope for are some tears and brief candlelight vigil, that's it. Some crazed moose-slum kills 13 soldiers in our own country and we get a president who tells of the wonderful world of diversity, a press that tells us it isn't "terrorism" (what is someone killing 13 people on a base shouting allah Akbar? So what if he didn't place a call to Bin-Laden first? ) and the candlelight vigil. Don't get mad, just suck it up, there is more to follow. What's Paul Kersey gonna do? I don't know, but it wont involve a candle.

Start thinking for yourself, if it seems wrong, it probably is. Oh, and buy a gun if you don't already have one and buy ammunition in small quantity's, but often. I suppose we can always hope for piece.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Message from Paul Kersey

In the aftermath of the terrible hate crime committed at a US Army base no less (of course not one of the useless idiot rats in media has used the term hate crime) I think its ok to go into your nearby neighborhood Ma-ssk and shot some Moose-Slums. Just say your under stress. This is a very clear case of the good that diversity gets you. Not one person had the guts to call this Ackmed a nut, a radical, nothing, why? Because of Die-versity, it will be the death of all. All those classes and seminars have made our soldiers and civilians into zombies.

For once, lets not have one of these Damn candlelight vigils, but how about some rage. Some RAGE AGAINST THE MOOSE-SLUM FUDGEPACKERS AND THE GOATS THEY RODE IN ON.
That's all, Paul Kersey

Monday, October 19, 2009

If you've got time, I've got the beer

Remember this slogan for Miller beer? In the 70s Miller high life, which only low lifes drank but that's another story. Those Miller beer bottles were made of the toughest glass, even if you threw them out the window going 80 mph on real American concrete, not that cheap black top, they never broke! Now Reingold "chug a mugs" were so thin if you had a few and forgot your own strength you could get a nasty cut. What does this have to do with anything? Nothing, other than Oh Bama is bissexual, dope smoking freak, don't listen to me ask Pastor Manning.
Have you seen Oh Bamas ;commune-a-cations die-rector? That is an ugly woman, she makes Justice Ruth Vader Ginsberg look good! This woman could scare the ugly off an orangutan's ass! Whats this got to do with anything? nothing except Oh-Bama and little commie friends are destroying the country.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

These Times they have a changed

Bob Dylan's was very prophetic, "these times they are a changing". Look around and see. For instance we have the first Half Black President, we won't discuss his less than proud heritage, suffice to say his momma had a bad case of "Jungle Fever". This President had a hateful bitter preacher who espoused some racial and radical ideas, along the lines of the ole standby "Kill Whitey" hes the root of your problems, a few black radicals, with a smattering of communist radicals thrown in i.e his communications czar "my favorite philosher was Mao" Whats going on? I'll tell you what I think, it s the end of this once great nation. The Liberals won, they have run agreat campaign in the schools all the way from K-9 to the highest universities. They infiltrated the media, ran down everything this nation stood for. And with the shield of political correctness made it all right and wrong to talk about their deeds. I really have to say it was brilliant. There is very little spark left of American spirit, you see and hear it now and then but its quickly extinguished before it gets anywhere.
Take a look at the recent spats of horrific Black on white crime, torture really, worse than anything the Vietnamese did to our captured pilots who bombed there cites, yo have to have alot of hate to do what these monsters did, look them up I don't eve want to go any further here.
The sub prime mortgage mess is a result of this political correctness, make no mistake, the recipients of these loans had neither the intention o r the means to repay, it was all a charade. Sadly just lie most of America is today. I the 60s they ran down American, how we do it, why we do it and where we do it. The factory's closed, the churches closed, suburban areas became havens for the most vial decrepit subhumans the world has ever seen. They are a substantial part of the future, prepare to battle them in your lifetime.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I have eluded them once again

As you can see from my last post, it was a close call. They finally broke the door down, but I was already on the move. I only wish they pursued our Moose-slum enemies with such dedication and persistence.
Now, I am on the move once again, but who is really being hunted? Is it our freedom? You can hear my broadcast from time to time on shortwave 6000. Goodbye for now, keep up the good fight.

Paul Kersey

Monday, September 14, 2009

I cannot stay long

This Paul Kersey back for just a short time, I am currently the target of a massive manhunt, by none other than our own government. I have successfully eluded them for the time being. I was set up by MSNBCs Rachel Madow, I mistook her/him for a man and she set a trap with Larry "Garlique" Kingsberg.
I am fighting my own war in my own way. I look forward to your support when I call on you to make your move in the name of "Truth, Justice and the American way" That's all for now, God bless you and whats left of this once great country, I have to go I think they are at the d

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Gone into seclusion-I will return

I want to say goodbye to all my loyal followers. I will be going into seclusion in order to better elude the evil forces that have attacked me at every turn. I will return!!!

Paul Kersey

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Here is another example of why we will fall

After "reading" the above article notice anything strange? How about the following paragraph:

"Some conservative Internet commentators and white supremacist agitators accused the national media of reverse discrimination by failing to give the case involving white victims and black suspects the same attention paid to white-on-black hate crimes.
Investigators said the attack wasn't a hate crime"

What? How about changing Conservative to "Liberal" and white to "Black supremacist"
Never heard or read that? And you never will. These cretins who write this garbage are both cowards and racists. They hate themselves. This is the type of garbage that if not stop or at a minimum not tolerated will be the death of us!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Word From Frank

From the desk of Frank Rizzo:

Paul has graciously let me sit in for him tonight to say a few words. My first rant is about the puff Admiral Mullen that is the chief of staff or something, I got 2 words for this squeak, SHUT UP!!! Everything this guy sez is "We can't do it, we can't stop it, we can't shoot it down, we can't win" Where did they did this sack of #^$% , a gay bar? I know he has Hollywood roots (His mom was pencil sharpener or something glamorous in the 40s. What we need on TV is tough talking Marine General, saying stuff like; "The Taliban?, those homos, we can beat them, but they keep running home to their mommies" This Mullen guy would not have lasted 2 weeks in my neighborhood, how the hell did he get where he is. It just goes to show you, being a boot liking kiss ass really must work. Go back to the desk you crawled out from Mullen and let a real man have the job. No I am not available.
Second, I want to complain about the news, ever watch MSNBC, they represent all the homos, left wing nut jobs and morons, ever watch Fox news? Sure they got better looking blonds, but Hannity and O'Rielly, they are morons. What we need is real news channel that isn't part hate speech, part game show, part water carrying for a political party, no its not CNN

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The One Thing the Moose-Slums got right

Forget about they only wash their feet, or they wear dirty night shirts, or their so damn stupid they will let themselves get talked into blowing themselves up by some uneducated bozo in a straw cap and a dirty beard with chicken and booze in it. But they did get something right, I know, I know you never thought you would hear a kind word about our filthy Moose-Slums , but they did, after all figure out out to hide their extremely ugly women. Have you seen some of the faces behind those Burkas, good God they could scare the ugly off a an orangatans butt. I mean double oo butt ugly. That's not say some Moose-Slum women aren't good looking, there are a few, but they only have to wear a head scarf. Those bearded clam E-Moms deserve some credit for doing us in the western world (since our governments are too stupid and inept to throw them out) a favor. So yeah you heard it here! Damn those big pimples on the da' big noses, good god almighty. I gonna have nightmares tonight.
AndI have one thing to say to all the idiots in the west that have converted to IS-Lam, what the #$% are you thinking?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Road Trip 09

Have you ever taken a road trip lately? I mean a long road trip on the interstates? Not like it was 40 years ago when I, Paul Kersey took my first road trip across country. I had some trouble in NY and they told me to get out of town. So I packed my bags and headed west, but alas trouble found me there also. I can't tell you where but trust me on this, other people troubles became mine very fast. Paul Kersey has a special way about him.
Back to road trips, aren't people nice? They have thier fat little kids who can't shut up, barking dogs, they drive 100mph in SUVs that have a large "High Rollover Hazard" sticker hanging from the visor. Everyone in the car is watching a movie except the driver and he or she is texting. If I have to look at one more "Oh-Bama Mobile" plastered with every dopey liberal bumper sticker I'm gonna let loose Paul Kersey style! My favorite is "God Bless all nations"? All nations uh? I can think of few God himself has taken a shit on, how bout,ummmm ZimBobWay? What was the last good, wait, not evil thing to come out of NiJeeria? I have a theory, just a theory mind you, that even if the earth was hit by a moon sized ASSteroid, a year later 2 Somollys will pop out of the ground to eat the first seedling before it gets a chance to sprout.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A message from Frank Rizzo

Mr Kersey, or may I call you Paul. from all of us here at GDW we want to wish you a very happy birthday and many more.

Frank Rizzo

Shelia Jackass-Lee

I couldn't believe my eyes when MiZ Jack-ass Lee took a phone call from her Dodge dealer so they could tell her the 22DUB 300 was ready! She is a real piece of work. I have always been a fan of this Jack-ass. I'm sorry, no wait, no I'm not but if this thing was any color but chocolate she would have been out on her ass years ago. But the free ride is still firmly in place.

Speaking of which, Oh-Bama is hard at work bringing the country down. I strongly urge you to stock on supplies this could be a bumpy ride in the next few years. Remember you heard it here at GodsDirtyWork!

When the revolution comes its gonna be messy. The Kersey family is prepared but as all of us know the best plans go to hell when the shooting starts. There are many good books on the subject, fewer still that detail or prepare you mentally for the day when the police and military walk away from their cruisers and tanks and go home to protect there own familys, folks like the ACLU shoot themselves, and most other people just hunker down and hope it all goes away, quickly. However, history has shown us that these situations usually get very bad before they get better. Liberal idiots like the leaders we have will ring their little hands and cry. The bullies will come out of the wood work and try to relive grade school, you will almost certainly have to cap those assholes.
I hope, like most of you that day never comes, but looking at the trends and the devisiveness of this country I thinks its inevitable. Bottom line be prepared.

Paul Kersey

Monday, August 3, 2009

We bring you.. the religion of Pieces,2933,536238,00.html?test=latestnews

The above link will take you to the latest demonstration of peace and love, courtesy of the religion of peace. Islam is all about love, tolerance and forgiveness. Notice there is no commendation of this type of "thing" by the E-Moms!
Where is NOW when Moose-slum women are beaten by thier masters, I mean "husbands"?
I was looking at a website about traveling in Turkey, even this "moderate" Moose-slum country states, "Islam is not just a religion, its a way of life" A way of life, you mean like so very different from democracy? They need a separate system of laws and government? Oh no they don't want to take over the western world they justwant to assimilate, yeah you jackass, WAKE UP..THESE MONSTERS ARE THE ENEMY!
We love you too Mr Hitler, I mean Ahmanejihad

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I would like to take have a frank (no offense Mr Rizzo) and open discussion about anything that ends in "roid" Take the obvious, Hemorrhoids, now theres something nobody wants. Next, asteroids (incidentally have nothing to do with "Ass") these destroyers from space can ruin your day, in fact worse than a case of hemorrhoids. How about steroids, look what they do to people who use them, they all look like cavemen, the gaps in their teeth are big enough to drive a truck through!
the moral of the story is anything roids is not good. I know we have gotten a little off the rails here at GDW, I promise we will get back to Oh Bama bashing ASAP.

Paul Kersey

From the Desk of Mr Frank Rizzo

Listen all you fruit cakes out there. Mr Kersey has been kind enough to give a space on his Blog.

I want to respond to some of the ludicrous accusation I have an anger problem. That is all in my past. I don't wanna talk it about it alright. The car salesman job was a mistake as well as the auto mechanic job. Both of which I had problems with my #$%ing boss. You can say we had a difference of opinion alright, nuff said, lets move on, its 2009 and we got problems alright, we got a real jerk in the White house. Who is backed by a bunch of left wing pantie raiders. Believe me, they do not want to run into me. I'm liable to flair up like a pack of hemr.........wait , I forgot my anger! Serenity Now, Serenity Now.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Message from my potential campaign manager

Good Evening, I would like you to spend a few minutes getting to know the man that would manage my campaign should I make a run at the presidency in 2012, thank you!

Hello, friends and followers of Paul Kersey, my name is Frank Rizzo. I am leading the charge to get Paul to run in 2012. Let me begin by letting you know where I stand. 1) Barack Hussein Obama is an inexperienced, incompetent, tribute to the shortcomings of affirmative action. I believe this man has a chip on his shoulders about women, white men, and America in general.
2) This country must stop letting in immigrant who don't believe in our system of government, 3rd world mental and physical deficients who will never be able to support themselves and probably are a drain on the medical system.
3)We need to make Chinese goods more difficult to buy in this country, they own us and if we don't stop this drain of jobs we will turn in the Eloy from the book the time machine. In case you haven't read the book or seen the movies, never mind go read the book or rent the video, do the homework yourself .

Now about myself, I am a democrats worst nightmare!
Thanks, Frank Rizzo

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saturday Night

I have been receiving numerous requests to run for the Presidency of the United States in the past weeks. During my recent forced exile I have mulled this question. I have even been offered funding for the campaign should I choose to run for office. At this time I cannot rule out a run for the highest office in the land but I would need the support of many different organizations. thank you all for your support.
I would hope for a military coup, bloodless if possible, but I'm afraid most military leaders are too busy thinking of new ways to preach diversity and tolerance. Even our current illegitimate president Mr Oh Bama is saying "Victory is not important in Afghanistan" If that's the case lets leave now! To our Marines, and soldiers, we need you here at home. Our borders are under attack. Our hearts go out to the family of the Border Patrol agent murdered last Friday by a couple of Frito Banditos. We must stop Oh Bama from giving these freeloaders amnesty. Don't let this agents death be in vain. Have you ever thought who Oh Bama and Fancy Peptolosi are referring to when they cry "14 million AMERICANS don't have access to health care" I got news for scar face, they are not Americans and its 125 million mexicans who don't have access to health care, but that's not our problem.
Last, but not least, to our so called "leaders" STOP LETTING DIRT BAG MUSLIMS INTO THE US" we don't owe them jack squat. If they can't "tolerate" the hell holes they come from, let them move to some other country, say MEXICO! They must be short, say 30 million citizens.
What are your thoughts?

Paul Kersey

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Look Around

Good Evening,

As some of you may know I have been a victim of a vicious campaign byJanet Napolitano and her brown shirted, jack booted thugs. Your President OhBomba is waging a secret war against me, Paul Kersey and the entire "GodsDirty Work" organization. Some of my esteemed colleges have been fighting agallant but losing battle against these well armed and funded thugs. I cansay this however, WE WILL PREVAIL! I ask that you support me anyway you can. We need money to buy ammunition;dry goods, bricks and steel for strengthening our fortifications. Their aimis capture me, Paul Kersey dead or alive. I will not be taken and paraded ina circus court. Join with me in our fight for Truth, Justice and theAmerican way

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Pray for Paul Kersey

9 July 09

By now you are probably wondering where is Paul Kersey, why has he not communicated with us?
I am prepared now to tell you I have been hiding in my secret and secure Liar, away from the prying eyes of Homeland Security and other government agencies. At one point I thought they may have found me, as a Blackhawk helicopter hovered over the location. I was prepared to shoot it down. But luckily for them they left abruptly.
Now down to the business of Truth, Justice and American way!
My sources close to the LAPD have stated that Michael Jackson actually died of food poising. He actually ate a 5 year old wiener.
Paul Kersey is back from hiding, Janet if you want me, keep trying.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The "Hate Crime"

What the hell is a hate crime anyway, I mean you kill somebody, anybody, it wasn't because you "love" them! Who the hell are we kidding, Hate Crimes? I think anyone with half a brain knows what is behind hate crime laws, thats right, hate! You got it, the folks at the so-called "Southern Poverty Law Center" and the ACLU are all victims of sexual child abuse and therefore hate anyone that looks like their uncles Moshe and Buck. So they banded together and came out of their holes and brought you......"hate crimes". It all comes back to a group of self hating (and uncle Moshe) folks who because of this self hate have gotten laws past to have the police do a little dirty work on uncle Moshe. Check these clowns out, they show up on MSNBC every so often to spouce hate of uncle Moshe and proclaim how they are out for the "little" guy or the oppressed. The only little guys these perverts are after play are on school yards. Thank you uncle Moshe, its all your damn fault

Monday, June 8, 2009

Whats wrong with US?

What’s wrong with us?

I’m fairly certain if my father was alive he would be having a hard time understanding some of the events of late. Thousand of Homosexuals lining up to get “married” by city clerks who come in on the on weekend to see the deed done. (When was the last time these city employees came in on the weekend, even when they got overtime) Young folks, being egged on by the same old hippies from the 60’s protesting the war on terrorism and “corporate greed” and just about anything else former President Bush did after the vicious attacks on our country. The people with tears in their eyes openly stating how they voted for President Obama “because he’s black”!!! He would wonder why they feel so guilty! How about that phony, Michael Moore, I don’t know what happened to him and his ilk that made them hate this country, but honestly I think he’s probably never had his ass kicked.
European countries that my Dad was wounded liberating from tyranny are welcoming with open arms the most intolerant group of people the world has ever known who openly profess plans to overthrow the host country, all in the name of tolerance, acceptance and “diversity”. It seems insane. Unfortunately it is starting to happen in this country as well, i.e. “Islamabad” a walled off town in upstate New York where the men spend a good portion of the day on the shooting range!

My Dad, like most of the guys his age that made it through childhood during the depression, then went to fight WWII, (think this “economic crisis” has you down, try being 18 in 1941!, you know you’re in for a fight, perhaps for your life) during which many of them were on ships that were sunk, aircraft shot down and fought the horrific battles on the pacific islands. Then, after enduring all that, most, like my Dad came home got married, raised a family, alot of them working 2 jobs so our mothers could stay at home with children. It took the loss of not one but two children to break my parent’s spirit. As a parent myself I can only wonder how they faired losing my brother, then 21 years later my sister. My older sister and my Dad had a special bond, I’m pretty sure she was his favorite and because of that, she turned out to be a wonderful woman and a great teacher.
My neighborhood was filled with guys just like my Dad, I don’t remember them complaining like I hear our generation and especially the one after mine. I cannot believe the chuckleheads who go save whales and turtles on beautiful Caribbean Islands are held in higher regard than the kid that joins the Marines. Or the university professors who constantly put out anti American propaganda are held in high esteem as “progressive”.
I realize the ‘boomer” and “X” generations are better educated, and in many case more affluent, but ask yourself this question; Do I produce anything I really need? Why do we expect so much, so soon, for so little effort? I’ll tell you why, guys like my Dad made it look easier then we will ever know. There are websites that make fun of all the “hokey” things my Dads generation did, the dinner parties, the postcards they sent, the car trip vacations with the family, things they did to ‘get away” we just can’t understand. These guys worked; They didn’t sit around all day staring at a computer screen and then go mountain biking on $1500 bicycles (kids today don’t even ride bikes, only adults), they actually made the cars, houses, and consumer goods they used. One of my neighbors helped build the Lunar Landing Module. His wife had a crippling disease and he stood by her until she died. Another neighbor was like a second family, they where always there for us. Think of your neighborhood today, it certainly doesn’t sound like mine. The only overseas trips my Dad ever took was to Normandy on a Navy Destroyer (which was sunk off Omaha Beach, the ship was only six month old!) Then off to the pacific to shuttle Marines to the shores of tiny islands to fight the Japanese. He was just a regular guy, a man. I don’t see many of them these days.

Paul Kersey

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Enough Already-Are You Ready?

There have been some contentious comments made on this blog. GODSDIRTYWORK stands for truth, Justice and the American way. It should be apparent to even the likes of a Priuis driving Oh Bomba supporter that we do not agree with ANYTHING they wobble for. My only hope for the future is that most of the idiots of which I speak, for a number of reasons don't reproduce. Their defective genes will die with them. Thanks, I appreciate that.
The Anonymous comment about using the Koran for ass wiping is uncalled for. The pages are in fact painful (I heard this from a Mulla). Lets be reasonable and truthful.
Have you read Oh Bomba had a "food tester" in Paris? First, who is this idiot? Secondly, this hearkens back to feudal times for the king. I have been to France the food is bad but I never needed someone to test it for me, just spit it out if it tastes bad. Don't worry no one will say anything, they have been successfully pacified.

I saw a Priuis without an Oh Bomba 08 sticker on the back. I really wanted to ask what happened to it. (maybe the ole crone in the car got mad because she expecting more from her "stimulus" check).

Paul Kersey ( I love it when I talk in the third person) is ready, are you? I will be publishing my second book on how to survive the coming collapse and subsequent Islamic take-over, without submitting. Here's a taste of Chapter 3

"Never be a refugee" One of my heroes Ragnar Benson has stated many times. This means, stay away from government hand out trucks and "government safe havens" think Superdome during Katrina. You should be responsible for your loved ones only, nobody else. Never comply with evacuation orders, think Holocaust. And always remember, it is the people you least expect will turn on you for various reasons. Keep your stash and supplies hidden and never mention them to ANYONE!"

Stay tuned for more

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Oh Bamas plea not enough for Moose-slums?

Oh Bama is off his knees and the Moose-slum world has responded! "not enough". Not enough? of what, groveling? pleading for acceptance and understanding? These people look at Oh Bama pleading and see nothing but weakness and wobbling. They despise him and us for that matter.
The difference between this idiot Oh Bama and the likes of Paul Kersey is, I'd kinda like the idea of nuking Mecca, then getting tough on IS-Lam. The hell with these kooks. The strangest part of this whole mess is our colored brothers who somehow have been misled (yet again) by the Moose-Slums.
History lesson for Black America; THE MOOSE-SLUMS had black slaves for hundreds of years before whitey showed up!. The moose-slums sold the slaves to the Europeans, sure at the time it seemed like a good deal, but the Europeans, like the Moose-slums should have left these people in peace! Now look at Africa! Even the poorest black American has it better than most Africans.

Again for another sad story in human history, thank the Moose-slums with their hell bent mission to take us all back 10 centuries. why can we take a lesson for their "good book" "Fight them where you find them"

This policy of letting them into Europe and the US is insanity
Thank Mr President Oh Bama for apologizing for us to the Mosse-Slum "world" I feel better already, sure some Mohammad is thinking of a way to stuff a minaret up Oh Bamas poop shoot but hey, it ok.

What puzzles me is why they are blaming Bush! What about everything that happened under Clinton? Wasn't he all about the love? The Cole, the Trade Center bombing (they planned the final one under Clinton).

This is Paul Kerseys message to the Moose-Slum world:

Hey Mo, fuck you! I know where you live and I have you targeted. You wanna beat your women, live in a shit hole, dress in a dirty night shirt and wipe your ass with your hand, have at it. BUT, if you mess with the US I will melt your home, your mosque and YOUR ASS!

NOW I fell better

Monday, June 1, 2009

What Happend to GM?

I'll tell you what happened to GM, it was left out in the cold by greedy management and unions. That simple. These same managers took huge sums of money out in salary and bonuses while ignoring the customers, IE the Chevy Citation. Meanwhile the unions and members just took more and more and thought it would never end. Sound familiar? Sound like the government, the united states, the leaches that live off government waste?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What can the govenrment do for you?

First they can pay to bring you into this world. Just make sure your Mom claims you have no daddy (or at least she doesn't know who he is). Then she can claim WIC and feed you until you are 18. This isn't even counting the free tasty school lunches. Make sure you get in government housing (or at least section 8) This last one can be a lifetime benny. If you live in California, the government will even fix your polluting car for you (up to $500, I know how cruel) But worry not in good ol Massachusetts, they will buy you a car, really, I'm not kidding. If you choose to do so and are of the right persuasion you can get a free or almost free college education. If you can't work this out try joining the army and get a chushy rear echelon job that they hire a contractor to do your job for you not because your incompetent mind you, its because your in "training".
Then you can go to college on the GI bill, you've earned it, go ahead.
At this point you may think of (if you FEEL like it) getting a job. That's right try the government, I hear the local city is best, again chances are they will have a contractor "helping" you.
Don't worry about health care one way or the other, the government has your best interest. And forget about dying, they got you.
The moral of this story children is that now that you can hand over most critical services to the government, they control them and YOU. That's right, think "managed" health care, euthanasia.
But why worry about that, the government is your friend and has you best interests in mind, right?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Where is The ACLU?

Two recent stories made me think perhaps the ACLU only defends anything anti American. The first was the recent announcement that Dr Micheal Savage has been banned from the UK for what the home secretary calls hate speech. The second is the tragic lynching of Miss California for not supporting homosexual marriage. (lets stop using the word gay, there's nothing gay about corn holeing or packing fudge). The only thing these two great Americans did was speak the truth, what they believe. Isn't that free speech?

The ACLU is front group for anti American propaganda hell bent on bringing down America!

If I had the power I would raid there offices, lock up the perverts (what are they hiding) and seize their assets, including their fleet of Prius's. Most importantly I would find out who funds these perverts.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Whats going on

1.8 trillion dollars of debt? Have you gotten any of the "stimulus"? Well, fear not, you'll get your chance to pay it back in decades to come.

Oh Bamas old alma matter, ACORN is back in the news, do you think they had something to do with Oh Bama winning? That's right, Paul Kersey has just said what no one else will.

Do Prius cars come standard with Oh Bama for Prez stickers or are they an option?

Whats the difference between a Hoover vacuum and a Prius? The location of the dirt bag!

That s right, even Paul Kersey has a sense of humour

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I know many of you are concerned about Dr Micheal Savage, fear not, he is under 24 hr armed guard and at an undisclosed location. I can confirm he is not at the Kersey Lair. I can only say, enough already Savage, your losing us with the "banned from the UK" bit. Let me also add, that IF I had tickets and YOU ASKED us not to travel to the UK I hope you don't think I would lose my tickets! Hey I vote with my wallet and I ALWAYS buy non-refundable tickets.

Any who, You should have seen the Bold, Fresh Piece of humanity I drop in the pool this morning!
No kidding I felt 10 yrs younger and 20 lbs lighter.

I know, I know this is one of the top blogs in the world and I'm talking about a dump. Whats the difference when Hannity is talking to Newt?

Paul Kersey
from the hideout..come and get me DHS

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Time for a new "Party"

I'm not sure if the republicans are up to the task of taking on the Oh Bama Juggernaut. The last puff they threw against him was really a liberal, ole school democrat who just wanted "to get along".
I would like to see a purely conservative party but I really don't think the country club rebublicrats would let that happen. I do know they need to rebuild the base and get some new leadership. I don't see anyone on the horizon. Yeah I know, Sarah Palin, come on, nice enough lady but really she was over her head. Ms California?, I don't know, I think the women, especially the Oh Bama grey haired old hags would shred her. One would probably try to run her over n her Prius on a suicide misson.
If you can think of a good candidate please let me know, or we are lost.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy Mayday, you filty Commies

That's right, its Mayday, the day all good little commies come out to show how much they appreciate freedom. Never mind if they lived in their commie dream world they would have their heads split open for smashing windows and burning cars, but hey, who countin!
Have you ever seen these spoiled little brats, throwing Molotov cocktails some 65 year ole hippie showed them how to make, "Lets take it to the man" is their battle cry. Clue 1: they wouldn't know a man if they saw one. Their own Dads ran off if their male English teacher!
No, I, won't be "celebrating" Mayday. I'll be home, sitting by the fire cleaning my new Henry 30-30. Nite nite kiddies,

Paul Kersey

Thursday, April 30, 2009

It makes me sick

I am home sick like a dog, thats right I'm sick. I don't know what the hell I have, but I hope its not that damn swine flu from ole Mexico.
I will try to keep getting the Truth, with Justice and in an American way. But like I said I'm sick. I am still going over the intelligence from DHS that handed to me. Don't kid your self they are out to get guys like me while slobs with the swine flu are coming in this country like flys. I know everything is upside down, everyone knows it, its just hard to take when its thrown in your face. Please pray for my speedy recovery.

From a secert location, high atop the california desert
Paul Kersey

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Oh Bomba Nation

He and his minions have been overheard saying "never waste a good crisis", what better "crisis" to but forth a national health plan to pay for the very swines that bought it here! Check out your near set "emergency room" it looks more like a clinic in Tijuana.
Can you believe the once might Chrysler will go bankrupt and GM is be nationalized? Is this really happening? Every time you buy a Chinese tool or foreign car you did your small part. Check certain foods in the grocery store, they are even feeding us! No, its not too late the but the time has certainly come where if we don't make an about face, it will be.
The schools have done an excellent job of turning most kids in to curious do nothings for the last 30 years. They know more about how to put on a condom than how an anything mechanical works. It will be an uphill battle, and Oh Bama is one of the know nothings, we call them "Puffs"

Think Back before the 60s, did you ever see a Grandpa with ponytail and anything other than a wifebeater t shirt.......puffs all of them

Paul Kersey drives a Ford!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Why are they not telling us the truth?

First, why won't they tell us the truth? Is this like AIDS? How did AIDS transfer to humans from monkeys? What happened? The CDC is useless, they are not doctors, they are politicians just like our DHS, useless. Political correctness will be the death of us. Take care of yourself and your family. Remember the first rule of "when SH#$ hits the fan" Do not become a "refugee" They are first to go!


Thats right Paul Kersey is back!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I'm Back

This is Paul Kersey communicating with you from high atop my secret lair. Yes, they did try to shut me up and down but as always I am fighting back for TRUTH, JUSTICE and the AMERICAN WAY! I now have in my hand certain information that will prove Gyrge Swartz aka George Soros was instrumental in getting my blog confiscated. Working with the NSA and DHS they have been working to quiet the one voice speaking truth in this country today. Stay tuned believers and we will win.

Paul Kersey

Monday, April 20, 2009



Anyone knowing the whereabouts of one Paul G. Kersey please contact Ms. Napolitano at

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Do we live in a nation of idoits?

Do we live in a nation of idiots? Wimps? Well, let’s take a stroll down “Main Street USA”
First stop the local school, what’s going in there? Diversity training today, maybe if we have time tomorrow we can teach some Math and grammar. Oh Boys and girls, we had to cuts sports so we can help the theater group. Ah Thespians, just what we need.
Next stop, the local superstore, what the hell, why do they have two languages on the door, mmm is that spanish being broadcast over the PA system; something about the “Banos isn’t working” I don’t know. I wish I could park closer to the store but they have almost 75 “handicapped spots” Hey that guy looks fine to me, and that lady in the escalade, she is just a “240 Shorty” if she lost weight maybe she could walk, oh wait she gets disability?
Next I’ll stop at the food store, I’ll just be a minute, oh damn these 2 dirt bags have a “split” order, oh they are using food stamps, that’s right they had to have the beer separate. But it’s 2 in the afternoon, doesn’t this guy work? I guess not ,his pants are halfway off his ass, nice shorts “dude” or is it dud?
That’s it, I’m heading home. Why do we take this behavior? How did it get to the point that ACLU lawyers are the guiding force these days. Why do we leave our borders open, then pay welfare and give free health care and food to criminals? Is it compassion? Or are we a nation of idiots. Why do we let muslims in as citizens? Presidente Oh Bama stated “we are not at war with Islam and never will be” What? I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Picture this, after Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt get s on the radio and says, sure we were attacked (not like today, we have been attacked numerous times, but who counting) but don’t worry it’s just a small fringe element within Japan; they are a nation of peaceful people! I beg your pardon Mr. President; muslim fanatics declare war on us once a month! Forget their “good book” provides all the justification they need to cut the heads off non muslims. A nation of wimps (if we would just understand them?) yeah right. I just hope it’s not too late. Why is there an ammunition shortage in this country? Is a second revolution coming? Are the good people afraid of the government, or do they think it’s incapable of protecting them? Is the ACLU plotting a gun grab? Perhaps, I hope not.
Paul Kersey

Happy Easter

First, Happy Easter and what a fine day it is, 3 dead Somalian “pirates” (please don’t mention the muslim word) and a freed merchant ship captain (never mind the ship he was on was on a boondoggle mission to feed the world).
In any case, thanks to those Navy sharpshooters. Maybe, hopefully the US is finally dusting off the books written when we took on the Barbary pirates (whoops they were muslims too?)
Paul Kersey

Saturday, March 21, 2009

End of America?

There has been a lot of talk about if we are witnessing the “end of America”. There certainly are a lot signs that things are on the wrong track and if not reversed could be catastrophic to this great nation. The fact alone that a light weight like OH Bama was elected president says a lot about us a people. Have you looked into the eyes of one the morons with the OBAMA/Biden stickers on the PAINT of their car? Hello, nobody’s home. These are the people who wouldn’t know right from wrong, left from right if they had detailed instructions! These people are sad products of years of public school brainwashing and indoctrination on subjects as “diverse” as; We’re all equal, no one wins” to “Corporations are all corrupt” to “Sex with animals is a reasonable choice”
These idiots (and if you want to see them on TV watch MSNBC) don’t even know what they doing. Take that HESHE anchor on MSNBC in the evening, they would hang her and her girlfriends in Iran by their short hairs but what do they do and report on? How nice it was that Oh Bama used the phrase “the Islamic Republic of Iran” instead of just saying Iran! These idiots spend their entire shows either stating what a great guy Oh Bama is and/or knocking Bush and yes the favorite target of all, the center of American “evil” Guantanamo Cuba. Yes, if only they would release these animals (of course not in NYC where these idiots live) everything would alright and the world would love us again like when their man Bill Clinton was prez. Oh wait they hit us a number of times back then also, yeah but we got that domestic terrorist Timothy Mac Vie, did they put him to sleep quick or what! Now he was very bad man.
There are voices of truth out here, your reading one now. Dr Michael Savage of the Savage Nation is another.

Paul Kersey

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Can U Believe?

Can you? Think about those so called congressmen and women. First lets look at Barneys Frank.
This is a guy who was cornholing you interns and call boys in his townhouse, And he wants the names of AIG executives? Not enough for ya? How about Nancy Pillowoski? I want to know how much has this ole crone spent on plastic surgery. Well, how about Chief Sitting Bull@#$% Chris Dodd, yup that's the guy who inherited his corrupt ways from Daddy Dodd and help bring Indian "gaming" to Connecticut.
These are fearless leaders who you can trust, yeah right.
Have you been to the mall or a GOOD local restaurant lately? What recession.

Well that's all from the Kersey Files today you go read the other blogs, but this is the place for straight talk.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Oh Bamas Civil Defense Force

If President Oh Bama actually goes through with his new "Civil Defense Force" are you ready to take them on? What if his new "green czar" wants the little things like your stinky lawn mower? How about that 2 stroke outboard? What would you do? I think it time to ask yourself these questions. Why are people buying arms and ammunition in record numbers? Do you think distrust of Oh Bama is the reason? Its time to ask yourself is this government for the people, or against the people.

Paul Kersey

Monday, March 9, 2009

A Brave New World, from Oh Bama

Alright, you wanted change? Well now we have it, how do you say executive order?
Oh-Bama sure is making change, stand by for an executive order that lets you put granny to sleep because she can't pay her bills. Or how about "folks who don't want to give, hope a chance" like Rush Limbaugh.
Did you ever wonder what happened to all the PMI people paid to keep this mortgages from defaulting? Well Barney "hey little boy come on over here" Frank told congress "These people don't need to be burdened with even higher payments" so now we are stuck with these loans that should not have been made in the first place.
Lets start looking for some new conservative leadership. How about Micheal Savage for president?

Saturday, February 28, 2009

A message from Paul Kersey

A Memo from the desk of Mr. Paul Kersey

First let me start by saying simply, I am sorry. First I hired a constipated drunk, then an illiterate, then an illiterate who said he was experienced.
From now on I will get this blog back on track with spirited and concise discussions that are relevant and timely. Please stay with us,

Paul Kersey

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Welcome, this is my first day on the job. I am the new Blogmaster at GodsDirtyWork. Just a little bit about myself I am a true American who is tired of all the negitve press about christians and concertives.I have a humugas carbon foot print, the only reason I don't own a ginormous house is I can't afford it right now. I'm hoping Mr Kersey will give me a pay raise soon. So please give him posiitive feedback about me.If you know Mr Kersey, he has quite the short temper and is know to have an itchy trigger finger. Thank You Mr Kersey and I hope I don't let you down!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Some Changes

Have you noticed poor grammer and spelling mistakes at GODSDIRTYWORK? Well, so have I and I have fired the idiot who did the writing and postings. I will be bringing on a new team of folks who can spell and put together sentences. Please check back in a few days. Same feel good message with a little charm and even correct grammer!

Paul Kersey

Monday, February 23, 2009

900 Mil to rebuild Gaza? Are we a nation of idiots

I couldn't believe what I was reading, we, an almost bankrupt country are going to spend 900 million to rebuild Gaza after the Israelis demolished it? What is wrong with our leaders? In this state of our economy I would be against us rebuilding our friends, but trust me the Palestinians hate us. Even the so called moderate one only scoff at our outreach. You must do what it takes to stop this utterly waste of taxpayer money.

What about Oh-Bamas new "Urban Ex u tive office" created by oh yeah, executive order, seems he needs an over arching federal office to manage the hand outs to our "urban areas" what there are not enough useless government workers handing out money to useless people?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Nation of Cowards

Interesting, a true African American president and the first "black" Attorney general says we are cowards, mmmm, what do we need to talk about? The losers in every city? the stuff that lived in New Orleans when the slates was lifted there by a flood, that some ignorant Mooslum leader said "whitey" caused? Well , lets talk about that.
Ok, thats what I thought

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Im SOrry I was drinking and constipated

I'm sorry all you Mooslums and Hos I was drinking and I'm sorry I didn't mean to insult you I'm just pissed off and constipated.

Another Fine "Victim"

Subject: Just because you pay for my house

Sharon Jasper has been victimized. Sharon Jasper has been rabidly wronged. She has become a Section 8 care case -- the victim of ever changing public housing policies.
Sharon Jasper has spent 57 of her 58 years dedicated to one cause and one cause only,and has nothing to show for her dedicated servitude. She has lived in Section 8 housing all but 1 of her 58 years. It was a legacy passed down from her parents who moved into Section 8 housing in 1949 when she was six months old. She has passed the legacy down to her children, but fears they may have to get jobs to pay for the utilities and deposits.
She laments about her one year hiatus from the comfort of her Section 8 nirvana,' I tried it for a year -- you know, working and all. It's not anything I would want to go through again, or wish on anyone in my family, but I am damn proud of that year.'
Sharon was moved out of her St. Bernard housing project after hurricane Katrina and into a new, yet albeit, substandard quarterage. As can be noted from the above photo of her new Section 8 home, it is repugnant and not suitable for someone of Sharon Jasper's seniority status in the system. 'Don't be fooled by them hardwood floors,' says Sharon . 'They told me they were putting in scraped wood floors cause it was more expensive and elegant, but I am not a fool -- that was just a way to make me take scratched up wood because I am black. The 60 inch HD TV? It may look nice but it is not a plasma. It's not a plasma because I'm black. Now they want me to pay a deposit and utilities on this dump.' 'Do you know why?'
She has held her tongue in silence through the years of abuse by the system, but it came to a head at the New Orleans city council meeting where discussions were under way about the tearing down of the St. Bernard projects. When a near riotous exchange between groups opposing the tearing down of St. Bernard and groups wanting the dilapidated buildings torn down and newer ones built, Sharon unleashed verbal hell with her once silenced tongue. The object of her oratory prowess was an acquiescent poor white boy in attendance. The context of her scathing rebuke was, 'Just because you pay for my house, my car, my big screen and my food, I will not be treated like a slave!' and 'Back up and Shut up! Shut up, white boy! Shut up, white boy!'
Recapping from the mental log of the city council minutes in her head, Sharon repines, 'Our families have been displaced all over the United States. They are being forced to commit crimes in cities they are unfamiliar with. It is a very uncomfortable situation for them. Bring them back, then let's talk about redevelopment.' Sharon directs the reporter's attention across the street to Duncan Plaza where homeless people are living in tents and states that, 'I might do better out there with one of these tents.' She further lamented her sentiments about her situation, 'I might be poor, but I don't have to live poor.'

Why Muslims can kiss my ass

Hey all you Muslims, with your dirty feet and stinking dirty nightshirts, yeah even you losers who come here and pretend to "asslimilate" we have your number. Its just a matter of time before American finally wakes up to your plans. Kiss my ass Mo, I got your Jihad

Saturday, February 14, 2009

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